Spradle Legs After a Week of being Fine??

OH I don't know if I would leave her in there for the whole night. She needs sleep too. Just a few hours a night maybe. And yes, I would remover her from her chick friends until she is better. Good luck! I hope she/he is ok.
Yes, I think a few hours at a time - if you could do it several times a day (maybe 4-5??) with breaks in between, that would probably be best. PLEASE keep us updated - I'll be anxious to find out if it works for her!
She seems a bit stronger this evening. She is still eating and drinking, and sometimes pushing up very well while in the cup. She does get around pretty good when she is out, but it is all flopping around moving.

I don't know if the band-aid is too short or not. It is as far apart as the width of the pad part, just like that one link suggested.

Should I do a daily test without the band-aid to see how she is progressing? Or just wait until the band-aid wears off? I don't want to hurt her skin by pulling a band-aid off once a day, but I don't want to leave it on too long either.
I took the hobbles off since she could finally stand up without falling over. She is standing on her own, and can move about carefully, but when she does flop over, she can get herself back to standing!!

Thank you to everyone here for the advice and encouragement. I think I would have given up on her without it.
I know this may sound crazy but try feed some raw ground liver to her or and any others there might be. I read it in Joel Salitin's book. It may be a riboflavin deficiency. I know its weird but he's raised a hell of alot more chicks than anybody I know.
Raw ground liver
Do you think it could be chicken liver?? That is all I have at the moment.

She is still doing well. I put her back in with the other hens. She is definitely the smallest, but she is holding her own. She does get knocked down from time to time, but can always regain her footing. She can reach the food and water okay and no one seems to be picking on her.

My first successful spraddle leg recovery.
I just got a baby not even a day old with severely splayed legs and a claw that is turned sideways. She wants to walk so I'm trying to get her too but I thought she was gonna die last night because I too pulled her out so her sister wouldn't walk on her and I put the food at the bottom of the box I had her in so she could eat but I was scared she wouldn't make it. She did and she's now struggling to try to walk...need advise too.
Leasmom, if you do a search for "spraddle" on BYC, you'll find TONS of useful info. GOOD LUCK with your little one! Glad you're giving her a chance!

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