Spreading respiratory/sinus/eye infection in flock - testing versus culling

this is the other bird, swollen on both sides


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I'm glad that you were able to get some testing, but oh boy, this is one I have not read much about.
I agree, there's not a lot of info it seems and you have some excellent questions that I would like to know the answers too as well.
For treatment both Poultry Site and Poultry DVM list Amoxicillin and Chlortetracycline as the more common antibiotic used. Enrofloxacin (Baytril) might be effective - I'm sort of surprised by that.

I also agree about contacting your state lab to see if they can provide more information. If you do get more, please share it with us if you would.

Thank you for sharing your photos. The poor dears really do have some swelling don't they. That is likely pus in the sinus and unfortunately even with a good antibiotic, chicken pus will not dry up on it's own. Removal of the pus would be needed. Seeking help from an Avian Vet would be a very good idea. If that's not possible, I believe @casportpony has some information about lancing that you may find helpful.

As for cleaning, look into Virkon S and Oxine - those may be effective, but I'm not sure.

I wish I knew more:hugs

@Wyorp Rock I will definitely report back whatever I learn and I appreciate your input.

I chose the Baytril because it's broad spectrum and able to be dosed in the water. I have some Oxytetracycline but it's injectible and I'm still waiting on carpal tunnel surgery next week. I'll see what suggestions if any the state lab has.

I've watched the videos of the eye pus removal. I tried that with the first hen to show symptoms but there didn't seem to be anything to squeeze out. The area around her eye was hard and she was fighting me so I know it hurt. I was reluctant to keep torturing her when it didn't seem like there was any consolidated pus nugget to remove. I'm not squeamish and I recently had an abscess on my own leg that I hot packed until it was ready to drain. I wonder if hotpacking the eye would help it to soften up and be easier to separate and remove. I may try again with the lopsided girl since she is so swollen. But I am relieved that the swelling in the other two appears to be going down.

Again, thanks for your comments and I will share what I learn.
Thanks for letting us know what the report showed about ORT infection. Most of us here do not have any knowledge of this newer respiratory disease that has emerged wordwide since the 1990’s. It sounds like it is a pretty serious gram negative bacteria, and difficult to treat. It sometimes is found in the air sacs similar to E.coli during a secondary infection with a respiratory sinus infection. Some of the reading I did say that it can be present in chickens who don’t have symptoms. It seems to be an opportunistic secondary disease. Antiobiotic resistance in some cases especially in Europe seems to be a big problem. I would contact your state vet to get some information, since they may be better informed thatn a regular vet. Here is some info I read:

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