
I'm in the central part of the state.....3 hours SW of you.

Whew... we got nothing today but a stiff, mean wind. I'm glad to know you're so close! When I'm ready to take you up on one of your sales, it won't be but a wink before I have eggs...I'm such an addict...
Spring has sprung here!!!!!!!!!! It was in the 60s today, the daffodils are blooming, the trees are budding out, the onions and broccoli is in, baby chicks and ducks are here and oh how good it feels!!!!!!!!!!
Today, I got a sunburn.
Tomorrow, Snow.
spring spring spring spring!!! here the birds sing! spring spring spring!!!! we have spring peepers, which is a type of frog, in our pond and we were so glad to here them peeping again!!
i love spring but i am hating this weather. i want some green and flowers and blossoms and all that crap already! i am offically boycotting snow!

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