That would be awesome! I have always wanted a broody to have a broody hatch eggs

I had one last summer that did. Hatched 3 and raised them with the rest of the chickens. She was so protective no one dared mess with them. It was nice not having to do a thing to take care of the chicks.



We are getting our first chicks this spring. We are working on our chicken coop. We bought it from a local builder and have discovered that it leaks when it rains! Now, hubby has to retrofit a repair because he doesn't want to go back to the builder. I wish he had just built us a coop to start with. The coop is very heavy duty which is why I wanted it and it is very cute. I don't know how to upload pictures so I can't show you the cuteness. The design is horrible though. Can't wait to get our first chicks but have to get the repair done and get the run built first. Lots of rain and snow here this year. Funny for Nevada dessert. We dug the post holes and then it rained and filled them with water! I'm sure they are breaking down and filling up with dirt so they will have to be re-dug. Right now they are covered in snow. I was being helpful by having a young guy dig the holes so hubby wouldn't have to ruin his back. Turns out, he wasn't ready to put the posts in. Sigh! We will get there, I'm sure!
Anyone getting spring chicks this year!? I placed my order about a week and a half ago and I am impatiently waiting! Lol I am getting 5 chicks from Meyer Hatchery with a hatch date of April 29th and I am so excited!!! We already have 7 chickens from Meyer Hatchery and I love them. They just turned 3 in October. I am excited to meet the new little babies. April can’t come soon enough! Lol

We currently have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers.

The new chicks are one each of Speckled Sussex, Delaware, Easter Egger, White Leghorn, and Partridge Rock.

Sooo excited. :D

Anyone else getting chicks this spring!?
Sorry, I haven’t been the greatest on keeping up on this thread lol but trying to catch up. But love hearing about everyone’s chicks and seeing pictures of the cute little fuzz balls. :)

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