Spring Diet Adjustment for Dirty butts?


Sep 20, 2020
Southern U.S
I have four hens, three that are 1 1/2 yrs and one that’s almost four.

Two of them, the old one and a young one, are really prone to getting this vent gleet that is just white and crusty and compacts to become very hard to remove. It stuck around a bit throughout the winter but ever since the weather started to warm up it’s getting worse. The poop that causes this gleet is liquid, clear with urates, and very sticky. These girls have normal poops too, but these liquid ones happen very often.
Yesterday I was able to trim some of the fluff directly under the cloaca, but it’s as if they often ignore the urge to lower their fluff and squat when they have these liquids because I’ll see them just preen their butt feathers and the liquid will drip down between their feathers as they preen.
I just find it strange because the other two have perfectly clean cloacas with just a little bit of poop on the tip of their fluff feathers occasionally. Its like the other two are just messy poopers.

I feed my flock purina flock raiser (20% protein) with optional calcium and grit on the side since they’re at different levels of production. They’re also foraging more now that it’s spring. I limit their scraps/treats to only a bit once a day.
Would switching them to a feed with less protein for the summer help with these white crusty vents? Thanks for any advice.
This is what the older one looks like now. I just cleaned and trimmed her yesterday, and there is still some old buildup and new beginning to happen


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This IMG_1751.jpeg is one of the girls that poops normally. I’m not sure if the picture shows it, but she’s got just a little white crusties under her vent, but I think that is normal.

This is the other girl that gets a crusty white vent.I took this picture now, and yesterday I cleaned and trimmed her. Like her older flock mate, when left for too long without cleaning, a crusty white ball that sticks right under her vent will form.

Hello! I had a hen with what I suspected was vent gleet. I remember giving her probiotics, in the form of plain yogurt. Perhaps some extra gut bacteria could help them out? Some hens are prone to dirty bums, and I have one that needs the occasional bath.
Hello! I had a hen with what I suspected was vent gleet. I remember giving her probiotics, in the form of plain yogurt. Perhaps some extra gut bacteria could help them out? Some hens are prone to dirty bums, and I have one that needs the occasional bath.
Hello! all four of my girls are separated out after I showed some so I can monitor their health. Because of this, I’ve been able to give probiotics in water to just the two that are having this issue. I’d say I’ve been giving them this probiotic for the past month now, but with the weather heating up, I can’t tell if it’s not doing anything or if it’s been preventing it from getting worse that it already is.

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