Spring is coming!!!


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Seriously, I know it's been rough with the most recent Alberta Clipper in the Midwest and Northeast. I know Miss Prissy has been working hard keeping her waterers ice-free. But I swear to you that spring is coming, and I have photographic evidence.

I just took this picture this morning. This is my backyard, snow coming down like mad. And what is that lovely birdie in the middle of the picture?


Why, it's a ROBIN. Yep. For real. 18th Jan 2009, metrowest area of Massachusetts, first robin of spring, looking very annoyed. He was eating from the feeder (about 20 feet out of the frame) when DH went out back with the puppies. He flew over to the maple tree in annoyance, and is sorta hanging out there now.

Last year the robins started showing up mid-February, and I thought that was pretty early. When I was a kid in PA (yes, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, thank you), you couldn't count on seeing a robin before, oh, March-ish, and that was a whole USDA zone warmer than Massachusetts.

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