"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Yesterday I candled my first batch of eggs. There were 2 bielefelder eggs that looked clear. I couldn't tell with some of the darker eggs but In all of the other eggs I was able to see some viening and/or movement. Really cool to see the embryo moving! Looked like 22 out of 24 are developing but all eggs are still in the bator in case I am wrong.

I'll have to recheck in the notes but my air cell looked small. (About the size of a quarter) So, I'm going to run it dry for now.

Really excited to have this many eggs looking viable so far! :)

  Glad things are off to a good start! 

Thanks! Me too! Hope they stay that way!

I'm up to 3 broods as of today. No telling how many eggs are under them either.

A Blue Copper Marans, a Black Copper Marans and a Cuckoo Marans

I'm thinking Marans may be a broody breed.
There goes my egg sales.

I hope no others go broody! The white Marans was looking at the others though. It is like a contagious disease.

i have to laugh 4 days ago when everyone started talking broodies. I now have 2 rhode island red setting. a wheaten marans hen in a dry pen...
turkeys have hatched BC MARAN SETTING. I can't raise chicks with a broodie too many feral cats.
There is one wild little hen around here that can raise babies. But when they get to independent the cats get them
Man, it's weird to come on and see everyone all up and posting. It's only 10:40 here. I know, it's still later coming on. But just got on, and all of you living North East, are up and at em hrs ago!

I candled last night and had to toss another one with the clear fluid look floating on top. These eggs have horrible air cells too, the ones with viable babies .. moving around real good. I dread lock down. :/ Come Friday. Not expecting much. There are only a few left. 6 I think. I have so many Orpington eggs in for a friend. They are looking pretty good..only a week out. Have tossed three out of 2 doz. Clears.
Hi all woke up to 4 more babies including the one I was worried about. It is very small with curled toes. I just followed the directions on taping the feet. I don't think I did a great job but at least now it has to use its feet in the proper postition. Is that caused by them being in the shell too long? I have two more eggs but I don't hear anything or see any external pips. I will follow the directions for eggs that don't hatch. Tonight will be day 21. Does that mean my bator is running hot?
Since they hatched early? Thanks for all the help. I started with 16 eggs. 10 went to lock down with 8 hatching. This was my first hatch with eggs from my own chickens.

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