"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Oh yeh

Jus one more

Give or take a few dozen
See, but you're adding that dozen one at a time, right?
I had escapees yesterday, fortunately Moose was able to get them all back under control.

Moosers!!!! and he is at work!

Howdy! Newbee here thinking about building a cooler bator. Do you recommend gqf wafer thermostat or stc-1000? Have been saving and turning wheaton ameraucana eggs. Eating as they get past 10 days old. Thought I saw recommendations for blue eggs similar to serama eggs - high humdity to start? Can't find post now. Have been enjoying information on this and incubating with friends thread. Look forward to joining.
I swear by coolers with wafer thermostat as you can see there is nothing but!!!!


Quote: sweet I think your good to keep running as you are! candle in two days, they can get large fast later on!

Day 13 candle. How do they look? air cells on the small side? Should I keep the bator running dry?
see above
Sorry to post questions and disappear but it appears my first post is being held for moderation and I have to go to family for a couple hours. Be back around 9pm central time. Thanks. Theresa
I see this post whats up? @Leave a LightOn

@mlm Mike or @Sally Sunshine you can count me in this hatch-a-long... I just set 30 HRIR eggs in the bator.
Welcome over Joey!! glad your back in the addiction with us!!!
Out of the 8 that went to lockdown.

2 hatched on their own. 1 got superglued assisted out. Leg was messed up so been in coffee cup. It is able to keep his leg under him now.

1 I saw no movement. Went to eggtopsie
Put a good hole in air end and it started moving. Has pipped since and trying to hatch.

4 dis.

So 2 healthy. 2 maybes. 4 dis.

I am setting 54 turkeys eggs tomorrow.

Edit: the egg I thought was dead and i pipped early is finally hatched out.
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Welcome over Joey!! glad your back in the addiction with us!!!
Good to finally be here!!!

Although my addiction never actually went away... I just didn't have a "fix" for it! Problem solved!!!

Got a few saddle cells, but no rollers, so I'm happy about that. I've put the 10 worst looking eggs in the refrigerbator to give it a test run. If it hatches these eggs, it should hatch most anything!

Day 12 candling tonight (missed day 10 & 11 from being very sick) so xxfingers crossedxx
I pray your feeling better!!!! oh my goodness!

Quote: I have to agree on this one

Quote: We'll have to agree to disagree on that! But thanks for the welcome back.

yes, something about seeing chicks appear from overhead could seem exciting

@Sally Sunshine
Tossed 4 leghorn eggs, clear

Cant quit adding quail eggs to incubator
tell me about it!

ohhhhh  GOOD LUCK!!!!

oh stop that or I will call the waaaaaaaaammmmmbulance!!!


:hugs   i am not sure about beautiful but lol thanks!  Was trying to get it to look more polish top hat like :lau

  do you have a fan in your bator? 

Day 20 is early, you COULD have had too high humidity, and or low temps if your not seeing pips, what breed eggs?

I dont believe you without images... sorry :lau
I will go on the cruise for you
You're the one turning chaos into an adjective. Better change your avy don't wanna be like that crazy window licker over in the corner thats chaos and hes "crazy".

So set my eggs on Sunday.

8 wellsummer
6 deleware
23 olive eggers (don't ask, lol)
8 morans
8 Amerucanas
18 white silkies
1 random silkie

72 eggs...want to keep 6-10 hens. How is that for chicken math???

So far so good on the bator temps. Not sure how I'm going to handle this many chicks if this hatch goes well, lol.

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