"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Hi Chaos
Just updating you on my hatch...I candled last night (day 14) and I'm down to 17 out of 27. I lost 7 in the old incubator and 3 in the new one. The 17 look great though :)

@Chaos18 Final update, I've been putting it off. 20 out of 23 successful hatch, last 3 were DIS. Not sure of the cause, they were definitely viable up until at least day 16/17.

Thanks for the update. Sometimes they just don't make it, doesn't sound like you could have done anything differently. It would be nice if we could always get 100% hatches.
Do you guys do a HAL each year? If so, is there anyone within driving distance to me that would like to do an egg-swap for next year?????

Since I can't hatch anymore this year (lacking a rooster), I'm making plans for next year!
Ravenswood, Jackson County

I'm a transplant, I moved here about 2 years ago and still can't find my way around. It didn't take long for me to figure out that my GPS wouldn't work here though.
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So I didn't have high hopes for this batch. I candled yesterday before putting them in lockdown, and they just didn't look right. Not full enough, and a lot of thick veins didn't seem like many were moving. Not like my previous hatches where they were full and dark, moving around a lot. I was taking a nap this morning and woke to a lot of cheeping. One hatched, 3 more pipped.
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