"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Came home to find this baby hatched in the bator... I addressed the curled toe on one foot and he is walking around great but it looks like the yolk dodnt absorb all the way... Will that absorb or shrivel up??
Iodine or betadine the navel, keep it separate feed and give the saveachick as soon as it is able, offer it often as you can
put it on a soft surface so it doesnt rip umbilical open. It may live if you can get it to drink, and when it does eat try feeding some scrambled egg YOLK chopped into bits

Good Luck!


Navels, Umbilical, Yolk Sack and Abdomen Issues:

NAVELS She HATCHED! But what's with her butt? post #25012
Umbilical Gunk aka Strings post #25012
Help I have a BLEEDER! NAVEL looks like a Vagina? begin (this is gonna be a long one) post #5159
Yolk Sac problems:

THIS IS NOT PASTY BUTT its Umbilical post #4077

Homemade Electrolyte Recipe for weak/ill chicks post #3876 USING SPONGE WEDGES post #4473
Chick and Chicken Vitamins HAVE SOME ON HAND post #61039

Eggs UNHATCHED at end of Incubation

Step by Step Guide to ASSISTED Hatching - Click HERE


Treatments for Leg Problems in Chickens & other Poultry

CURLY TOES Spraddle Leg TENDON Leg ISSUES post #42573
DUCKS can have Spraddle leg too! post #15184 post #15355
BONES STICKING OUT legs freom BATOR Mesh! COVER IT B4 Lockdown!! post #67787
Wry Neck post #60013

Current Contest and Prize List

Chick Mug Shots CLICK HERE

1st place - 6 Olive Egger & 6 Sapphire Super Layers - Sally Sunshine
2nd Place - Iridescent Carnival Glass "Hen on Nest" - Sally Sunshine
Selfies with Fowl CLICK HERE

1st place - 12+ Silkie eggs - Jessimom
2nd Place - Chicken Egg Collecting Basket - Sally Sunshine
Fowl drawing/painting Contest CLICK HERE

1st Place - $50.00 Michael's Gift Certificate - Kwhites634
2nd Place - Sketching Art Set and Sketch Pads & Pencils - Jessimom
3rd - Place - Beautiful Hand Turned Pen - PenMaster
“Share a Laugh” Random Posting Thread CLICK HERE

6 Copper Marans Eggs - laurel woods
salt and pepper shakers - Cynthia12
Chicken Apron - campingshaws
GFM - chao18
GFM - canadachickens
E-Cookbook Lost Recipe Cookbook - Penny Hen
Coldstone Creamery $10 Gift Card Jessimom

“Everything Spoon” donated by @flocktastic
“Share Helpful BYC TIPS” Random Post Thread CLICK HERE

15+ "Wonderful Egg Collection"- donated by Sally Sunshine
6 silkie eggs - Razdia
2 computer fans, 1 stc-1000 - chaos
GFM/BYC Gift Cert - lindalouly
Coldstone Creamery $10 Gift Card Jessimom
24" handmade Rustic Wooden Rooster - Sally Sunshine
BYC Promo Pack - DwayneNLiz​
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Ok people, had two golden laced Wyandotte and one CCL hatch, and one died (probably one glw who pipped in middle of shell) identify breed?
think the one on the right is a glw but haven't had that breed before. What's the one on left? Here it is again next to my CCL girl

Might need a clearer picture but it looks like a CCL cockerel.

Land of the Free
Because of the brave!
May 2016 Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by, Mike & Sally


Have Eggs in the incubator/s or under hens


in MAY, 2016 to join us!


w/ fantastic Prizes donated by…


Remembering Our Fallen

Random Drawing to be chosen from the stories.

If the winner doesn’t want a coop $250 MPC credit.

Poultry Shaming Photo Contest

Show your Stripes! Patriotic Poultry

Patriotic Party! Red, White & Blue Recipe/Photo Contest

Shouldered Poultry Photo Contest!

Poultry in Nature! Photo Contest

Natural Eggs & Flowers Photo Contest!

After looking closely, I realize one stripy chick is Welsummer cross. The other is CCL cross. The other CCL egg must have produced a barred-looking chick.
12/20 chicks - 5 pips - 3 questionable.
The fridgerbator incubates well. MacGyverbator hatches well.
May and June will be tweaking the coops, breeding groups, incubators, and gardens. My next possible hatch will be end of summer.

Chicks keeping me up last night mean I'm trucking tired. My coffee is made so I'll recharge and catch up later.
I noticed a lot of people in here are saying they use starter/grower constantly. Although this won't harm your chickens, if it has amprolium or any other anti coccidiosis in it, there can be serious delayed health effect for hatched eggs or anything that eats the eggs. If you talk to the manufactures they will advise not to use the meat or eggs for 3 weeks after feeding.
The warning not on the bag as they assume you only feed to babies.
The duck feed however is fine.

I hadn't thought of that but at the same time, doesn't that only apply to medicated feed? I assume they wouldn't put anti cocci stuff in non medicated feed since if you wanted medicated you would buy it... ?? Medicated is only supposed to be 8 weeks anyways max, whether you go to layer or not. Mine switched at 7 weeks then were unmedicated until 15 weeks then layer until 17 weeks until I found out in between that time that it's bad to start layer too early and could order some. I think I switched back to layer after the first egg but then back to starter/grower. I heard if they get treats and scraps it lowers the protein of layer and also heard all flock is essentially the same but marketed differently. Though I did find a higher protein layer feed yesterday that I'm gonna try.

I could be wrong but some of them resemble welsummer chicks.

Eye liner and chipmunk stripes on the back

Too many breeds look like that as chicks. 

Though I have some chicks I hatched that have eye liner and chipmunk stripes and have no welsummer in my flock. Mine that look like that are EE's. My daughter is better at breed identification than I am... To me I have a really hard time labeling a breed when chicks.

That's true that a lot of breeds look like that, which is why I was having such difficulty naming them, and apparently everyone is too :/ guess I'll have to ask haha
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Final count for the Bielefelder and Legbar eggs is:
Legbar 4 males, 2 females.
Bielefelder 3 males, 2 females.
Legbar eggs 6/6 hatched and Bielefelders 5/12 hatched.
Both local eggs.
I did only get 1 chick out of my shipped Gamefowl eggs, it is eating with some help, still can't stand up right though and has a cross beak. If it survives will have to be pet only :(

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