"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Quote: I hate google.
Can't find anything on it!
Thank you for the articles. Now I must read!
I'm joining in. Surely my bad hatching Karma won't follow me into April?
I'll be setting 41 eggs in just a couple days when I have enough eggs. I'll be heating up the bator and getting it set on the correct temp. tomorrow.
I need 9 hen ducklings so I can stop playing with the incubator. . and start raising my new puppy instead-- arriving Saturday!
Ok, I'm officially set for April. I have chicks hatching on 4/1, 4/5 and 4/16. I have 3 more sets of eggs being shipped the next week or two. So, I'm sure I'll have additional eggs to set!

Happy Hatching everyone!
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Anyone have tips for letting hens brood eggs? Chicken Math has it's grip on me and my hen Beth has gone broody!
Is this her first time going broody? If you have fertile eggs to give her, let her have them!!

I just had 2 hens go broody a week apart from each other. So, neither hen got up with the first 2 babies, But with the later babies, 1 hen got up and took care of them, the other hen stayed on the eggs. Once the last egg hatched, the two hens struggled over who got which babies.

My hens kicked out 2 eggs early on that were infertile. You'd be surprised at how smart they are!!!

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