"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Candled last night and removed a few clears. I was panicked because they didn't look developed enough for day 17-18, then I went back and count led and I was actually at 15-16. I set in the late evening and that always makes things wonky.

Anyway, most looked good! A few iffy eggs that I left anyway, and a few late blood rings. I didn't count. I know I'm down to two merlerault, because two were clear. And my polish mix is cooking right along!

Sally said what?
No, we are working on another one together.
LOL ha ha ha hah ah hahh aah yes TOGETHER we work on it! But I will make you do most of the work ok?

Quote: widdle babieS!!!!!

Quote: awwwwwww so cute!! congrats!

@Sally Sunshine here is he chick from the huge blue/green egg. I didn't think it was going to make it. It wouldn't stand and has slept since it hatched friday morning. But this morning it was up running around in short bursts in the Hatcher.

do you have a face and side shot too?
We are one day 20 and have two pips, both in my Dominique's eggs (paternal lineage either CCL or Rhodebar)! No peeping though...is that normal?
yes they could be resting

Hello Everyone!!!

Apparently my computer is protesting "multi-quoting" so after all that work, I lost my posting... Therefore, to all that have new fluff-butts, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

To those that lost some babies, I'm really sorry for your lose. It's never easy.

Molly is a beautiful puppy dog, I love the photo of her getting belly rubs from that cute little girl. It's very darling!!!

Good Luck with all of the hatches currently in progress!!!

As for my incubating adventure, I have 14 chicks currently hatched and several others pipped. I'm expecting at least 5 more chicks before bed tonight. My chicks hatched/are hatching a little early but all seem well formed and healthy so far.
GReat news!!! hope the rest hatch easily too!!

My English Orps are due to hatch tuesday.

My Broody hens hatched 7 Serama babies yesterday and this morning I have 6 out in the incubator and another 8 or 9 eggs in there. I obviously can't count because I only thought I had a dozen.

Quote: go with your gutt if she needs elecrolytes make some for her

Ugh, so frustrated. I had 18 Lavender D'Anvers eggs in the incubator on day 10, half of them were clears.

I bought them from ebay because they were cheaper rather than papa's poultry (where i've been purchasing my others and had ~95% fertility with them. So mad at myself for thinking they'd be just as good! I have had generally good luck with eggs purchased on ebay being fertile even if they aren't show quality birds. First time for everything I guess.

awwwwww so sorry!
Update: number 36 that's what I'm calling him for some odd reason. Is still alive opening its eyes and moving around the bator. Still looks a little weak. But I'm having high hopes for number 36 now!!

I have chicks hatching today at least 12 out so far. Ameraucanas, EEs, and OEs

@Sally Sunshine

Total hatched to date for April is 24.
There are assorted mutts, Naked Necks, White Plymouths, and Erminett type EEs.

Still going:
Sebastopol goose
Barnyard mutts
Marans x EE (OE)
Columbian Wyandottes
BLR Wyandottes

oh how lovely!!!!!

Day 19 for Jace!!!! If all goes well, should have babies by tuesday.
SWEETTTTTTT I am in lockdown too!!!

awwwww congrats!!!!!!!!!
Day 19 for Jace!!!! If all goes well, should have babies by tuesday. :weee

:celebrate congratulations! Any pips yet? :)

For everyone that has had chicks hatch congratulations! And for everyone that has lost chicks I'm so sorry. :hugs I just can't seem to catch up with this thread I haven't been on since morning and already there's 50 new posts. :eek:
Not going to try to catch up, but I just put my duck eggs into lock-down. I think I have 2 quitters but time will tell. Also got home today to find some new eggs from @Purpletie3 arrived yesterday, fortunately it was nice weather, under 80 during day and maybe 55 at night so they were all OK when I checked on them this afternoon. Will add to incubator later. Might have to hand turn the ones that are in there already for a few days so I can stick egg cartons in there with the marsh Daisy and Isbar eggs in them.

Bad aircells=one day rest outside incubator and 3 days not turning in incubator right?
All these cute baby butts and I JUST put mine in. I have another 20 days before I see babies here. Again. Granted I do have over 40 babies between the ages of 2 weeks and 5 weeks in the brooder. Guess that's babies.
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We set 52 eggs, I don't know what we were thinking.
They should hatch May 2-7 as I couldn't resist tucking in more eggs to stagger the hatching a little bit. Last night we candled 36 of the ones that were 5 days old and only tossed four, two were candling clear and two were developing but had pretty big cracks. We replaced those 4 with fresh eggs.

Incubating Hedemora, Bielefelders, and Barnevelders!
Since the Bantam egg in this second set of eggs we were "giving" to Katie shows no signs of life, and since we only hatched 2 out of the first set, we bought some companions for them -including two Bantams. So Sweet Pea and Little Yokel now have roommates!

First to hatch 4/12/16. Yokel, named after our own @LocalYokel

Sweet Pea, 2nd (and last) to hatch

Katie getting ready to put one of her 2 Bantams in the brooder.

Found the food, found the water, and found the heat. Life is good!

Yokel and Sweet Pea, center, and their new buddies. Today was their last day inside the house.

Bucket of chicken, getting ready to go live in the great outdoors!

A quick bite to eat, then time to get warmed up.

Single file they marched into their cave like they've lived out there all their lives!

Tucking themselves in for the night. Supposed to be 34 degrees tonight. Sleep tight, little ones!
Not going to try to catch up, but I just put my duck eggs into lock-down. I think I have 2 quitters but time will tell. Also got home today to find some new eggs from @Purpletie3 arrived yesterday, fortunately it was nice weather, under 80 during day and maybe 55 at night so they were all OK when I checked on them this afternoon. Will add to incubator later. Might have to hand turn the ones that are in there already for a few days so I can stick egg cartons in there with the marsh Daisy and Isbar eggs in them.

Bad aircells=one day rest outside incubator and 3 days not turning in incubator right?

Shipped Eggs = Change Of Plans! post #53845
We set 52 eggs, I don't know what we were thinking.
They should hatch May 2-7 as I couldn't resist tucking in more eggs to stagger the hatching a little bit. Last night we candled 36 of the ones that were 5 days old and only tossed four, two were candling clear and two were developing but had pretty big cracks. We replaced those 4 with fresh eggs.

Incubating Hedemora, Bielefelders, and Barnevelders!
WELCOME!!!! awesome!!! What a great bunch of breeds!!


He has feathered foots!
awwwwww great catch with the cam!!!
Since the Bantam egg in this second set of eggs we were "giving" to Katie shows no signs of life, and since we only hatched 2 out of the first set, we bought some companions for them -including two Bantams. So Sweet Pea and Little Yokel now have roommates!

First to hatch 4/12/16. Yokel, named after our own @LocalYokel

Sweet Pea, 2nd (and last) to hatch

Katie getting ready to put one of her 2 Bantams in the brooder.

Found the food, found the water, and found the heat. Life is good!

Yokel and Sweet Pea, center, and their new buddies. Today was their last day inside the house.

Bucket of chicken, getting ready to go live in the great outdoors!

A quick bite to eat, then time to get warmed up.

Single file they marched into their cave like they've lived out there all their lives!

Tucking themselves in for the night. Supposed to be 34 degrees tonight. Sleep tight, little ones!
awwwwww night babies!!!

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