"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Day 19: the waiting game.

Fingers crossed that this weird staggered hatching system works.

Day 19 and still no babies? What are they waiting for? :p
Good luck with your staggered hatching system.

Thanks. :highfive: Being gone for a week complicated things. I'm still trying to decide if I want to move them to the hatcher as they look "ready" or if I should just do a second lockdown in the LG bator.

Yesterday I moved the ones that looked full or had draw down to the hatcher. Some look to be a day or two behind, from cold spots I'm assuming. So rather than drown the babies that aren't ready yet, I left them in the bator to cook a bit longer.

So we'll see! Or Sally will come back and say "lmao it would have been fine to put them all in together :bun"
Morning folks. Will be updating the HAL list so let me know any updates you might have.

What is the HAL list???

So it is day 17 for me on most of my eggs. (Day 14 for the silkies). Last night I candled and pulled 9 clears, left 4 maybes from the 17 day eggs. Pulled 11 clears and 1 blood ring from the silkies. So here is my list for lock down starting tomorrow:
8 Amarucana
5 Delaware
7 Morans
7 Welsummer (of which 3 are in my questionable pile on the side of the bator...) Those are hard to candle!
5 Oliver Egger from Whitmore Farms
12 Olive Egger from Richmond area (1 of which is in my questionable pile)
5 white silkies from Ebay (Cracked egg with the wax is holding on and still alive!!)

I took all the ones I pulled and although it kind of grosses me out I cracked each one to check if I made the right call. Luckily they were all clear and one silkie had stopped developing. (Thought I saw a blood ring, so it was good to confirm.) My biggest fear is cracking open one to a viable chick! I figured I would never know if I was doing it right if I didn't check.

On a side note, took the 1 week old silkies for an outing since it was mid 80's. They were so afraid for the first 5 minutes or so until my daughter showed them ants. Oh my, did they have fun then! I left the 3 day old black silkies in the brooder and will wait a week before letting them explore. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they integrated yesterday when we brought them home. It was so cute to see them huddle under the week olds as if the older ones were their mom. LOL.

Here are the 7 one week olds outside.

Here are the 3 new babies we added last night.

I think the game plan will be to keep the silkies separate from the other chicks as they hatch. I will add any white silkies that hatch into my silkie brooder and leave the other ones in a separate pen. I have to build a small silkie pen next to my coop for the silkies in the next week or two.
well I woke up to my First 2 fluffy butts...almost day 20. several pips but silkies haven't yet pipped getting worried. I pip is zipping in the wrong direction don length of egg..(should have given him a mini-GPS) hoping for more by afternoon or evening...can they go a little after 21???


17 EE's
4 white silkies
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Being gone for a week complicated things. I'm still trying to decide if I want to move them to the hatcher as they look "ready" or if I should just do a second lockdown in the LG bator.

Yesterday I moved the ones that looked full or had draw down to the hatcher. Some look to be a day or two behind, from cold spots I'm assuming. So rather than drown the babies that aren't ready yet, I left them in the bator to cook a bit longer.

So we'll see! Or Sally will come back and say "lmao it would have been fine to put them all in together
Sally would never say such a thing
I'm no expert but I would think moving them as they are ready will be fine. How was the cruise?

What is the HAL list???

So it is day 17 for me on most of my eggs. (Day 14 for the silkies). Last night I candled and pulled 9 clears, left 4 maybes from the 17 day eggs. Pulled 11 clears and 1 blood ring from the silkies. So here is my list for lock down starting tomorrow:
8 Amarucana
5 Delaware
7 Morans
7 Welsummer (of which 3 are in my questionable pile on the side of the bator...) Those are hard to candle!
5 Oliver Egger from Whitmore Farms
12 Olive Egger from Richmond area (1 of which is in my questionable pile)
5 white silkies from Ebay (Cracked egg with the wax is holding on and still alive!!)

I took all the ones I pulled and although it kind of grosses me out I cracked each one to check if I made the right call. Luckily they were all clear and one silkie had stopped developing. (Thought I saw a blood ring, so it was good to confirm.) My biggest fear is cracking open one to a viable chick! I figured I would never know if I was doing it right if I didn't check.

On a side note, took the 1 week old silkies for an outing since it was mid 80's. They were so afraid for the first 5 minutes or so until my daughter showed them ants. Oh my, did they have fun then! I left the 3 day old black silkies in the brooder and will wait a week before letting them explore. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they integrated yesterday when we brought them home. It was so cute to see them huddle under the week olds as if the older ones were their mom. LOL.

Here are the 7 one week olds outside.

Here are the 3 new babies we added last night.

I think the game plan will be to keep the silkies separate from the other chicks as they hatch. I will add any white silkies that hatch into my silkie brooder and leave the other ones in a separate pen. I have to build a small silkie pen next to my coop for the silkies in the next week or two.

This is the HAL list. I'm keeping a list of who's incubating what.

question...should i assist in the one that has pipped longitudinally?? several spots have been piped/zipped but no further activity
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