"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

My phone doesn't produce great pics, but I use it more often than my "good" camera. I finally took pics with my "good" camera and I couldn't get the setting to be consistently unblurry. I'll have to work on the cameras a bit, but here are a couple pics:

The picture above is chicks from two different mamas. I don't remember which one hatched from which egg, but one has a Welsummer (dark brown egg) mama and one has a Crested Cream Legbar (pretty sky blue) mama. I think both have an EE/Ameraucana dad. These look like sisters, which is funny because their moms are named Anna and Elsa (I have a daughter that loves Frozen).

This is a chick that hatched 4/9. Hen is BCM. Rooster is Cream Brabanter. I'm guessing it will feather out like a crested BCM.

And my favorite photo of the day:
My rooster is from my first hatch here. He hatched from a "pure" Wheaten Ameraucana egg (purchased from what I now know was a not-so-reputable breeder- lesson learned). I named him BB after B.B. King. He enjoyed sleeping in my hand as a chick, and I am quite attached. I still make sure he knows I'm the boss, but he knows his job is to take care of his ladies. He posed so nicely for this picture.
rooster looks more salmon faverolle nothing looks wheaten. He is beautiful tho....

This weekend's hatch :)
grats on hatches everyone, one day 20, hoping we don't have a repeat of last time, checking temps every 15 minutes, and before morning will probably just stay there, so far starting to see a .2-.4 temp with slight humidity increase without adding more water in, 7 am will be start of day 21
rooster looks more salmon faverolle nothing looks wheaten. He is beautiful tho....
I watched him hatch from a beautiful blue egg, but I know what you're referring to. The cream in his hackles and saddles is not standard. I have no idea what the breeder had going on. The other rooster from the hatch looks standard, and the hen that hatched with him looks like a standard Wheaten Ameraucana but lays a blue/green egg. I am not trying to deceive anyone at this point. I am aware he is considered an Easter Egger in the chicken world.
Do not feed layer to any birds that are not actively laying. Too much calcium.

Sorry, should have clarified that they actually are laying :) they hatched October 26th and some started right at 21 or 22 weeks (not exactly sure atm, the Sunday before Easter) while others have only started the last couple weeks, one just started yesterday. We have been getting between 5 and 7 eggs a day, the past week or so it's been more like 6 or 7 every day and yesterday was 8. Although right now they are only on starter/grower and still have a lot left as they haven't been going through feed as fast because of too many treats so I am going to stop treats and scraps for a while and let them only eat the feed and finish the bag before starting the layer so by then they should hopefully all be laying anyways. :) they have had oyster shell available since 17 weeks and at first only some would eat it but they all do here and there now. But yeah. They're like 6 months old now :)
Easter hatch-a-long chick pics!!!!

The first two pics are of the EE we kept from the hatch. I'm pretty sure she's a pullet and I'm head over heels for this chickie. While flighty on the ground she's calling down and when picked up she is sweet as pie and super calm. Her Daddy is our slw roo and her Mommy is one of our EE. We're not sure which one but we're trying to recreate this little chickie poo! Her hackle feathers are the same shade of blue as her back maybe a bit darker with white edges on them. Also check out those ears!



The next pic is the MPC EE cockeral that has an attitude problem. At two days he started biting at 1 week he bit held on and tried to spur us. He has done it a few times since too. I wish he wasn't like this I would love to keep him. If he calms we still may or rehome him that being said if his aggression continues he will be grown out and sent to freezer camp. We have not handled him more than a few times to move him from the incubator to the brooder and then out to a larger brooder. The aggression does usually happen when the other chicks are upset even if it's not from us, but I've never heard of a cockeral chick acting like this so soon. Also the pic isn't the best but maybe you can tell that he has hardly any feathers at all. Only about half his wings are feathered the rest of him is just down.


This chick is the one DH2B dubbed Super Chick :) the first chick to hatch she(pretty sure) feathered extremely fast, twice as fast as the other chicks. Her daddy is the slw and her Mommy is an Isa Brown. She's extremely calm and easy to handle and very curious as the picture shows. :)


One of our three broodies and her babies. :)


One of our 5 speckled Sussex pullets they're really beautiful calm and easy to handle. I can't wait to see their adult feathers. We also got 5 st run white rocks, a light Brahma pullet, two brown Leghorn pullets, and two cuckoo Marans that were supposed to be sexed pullets however they gave us a cockeral at the feed store and didn't believe me when I told them as the head spot was completely different. I wish I had asked them to exchange it but oh well. We have too many cockerals again or I would be thrilled at the chance to make our own OE. We're hoping to pick up another pullet or two in May and hopefully a couple salmon faverolles pullets in May too.
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Oh my goodness! Everyone is so busy. Everything is hatching! I love all these picture of all these chicks and ducklings and goats and other fowl. Congrats to everyone!
Cheers! A round of Chicken Electrolytes for everyone!!!!


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