"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

And now we wait. My last Ancona that pipped first didn't hatch for another 60+ hrs after it broke through. Beak can be seen just above the pip.

I posted yesterday that I had a silkie 60 hours pipped and then hatched. So far #2 took 24 hours #3 took 18...patience is a virtue
My eyes are fine. It's everyone else I am worried about.
Kinda like the kid who wants a bb gun for Christmas? You'll shoot your eye out kid.

I posted yesterday that I had a silkie 60 hours pipped and then hatched. So far #2 took 24 hours #3 took 18...patience is a virtue
Chickens shouldn't take longer than 24. These are Ancona duck so they take there sweet time.
Ha, this seems so boring compared to that gorgeous peacock post, but I've got five chicks hatched now! Waiting on the last two who may have pipped internally but I can't hear over the racket the other five are making!

The little things can be surprisingly loud.

Put eggs on lockdown yesterday! I somehow managed to set them so that that would hatch when I am out of town! Luckily someone can take care of them for me! Hopefully it all goes smooth!
Good Luck!

Another chickie hatched it has a vaulted skull , my first chickie that hatched this morning is a beautiful silver , and I have another pipped super excited I'll get pics in the morning

My muscovy hens eggs are starting to hatch
Great News Chicken Hawk!

I'm so bummed. Out of my 8 Plymouth rock and 7 silkie eggs, I hatched 7 Plymouth rock and 1 silkie. I purposely put my silkie eggs in my small circular Brinsea because I figured they would hatch all my themselves and do very well. They were alive last night and by tonight, they were dead in the shells. It looked like they didn't even internally pip, and there was a little yolk sac left. The one needed to be pulled out of the egg and was completely ready to hatch. He got his head out, but it couldn't unzip. He/she is doing great. But, I wish I knew what happened with my other 6 silkies. So bummed about them. I was so excited! I think I might just stick with my Styrofoam bater. I have been having really bad luck with my small Brinsea. I can't help but think they would be fine if I had left them in the Styrofoam bator.

On a positive note, my show silkie that hasn't laid in over a year, laid an egg about a week ago, and it is fertile!!!!! I am so excited, because I didn't think I would ever be able to get an egg from her. She is older. She is a blue silkie and she is in with a white silkie, who I think has black genes, because I have gotten blue silkies from this pairing a long time ago. I need for this little baby to hatch, because I would never forgive myself if it made it all the way until hatch and then didn't pip like the ones today.

Sorry about you Silkies.

Well, no progress on my egg that is pipped at the wrong end... It does seem like the egg rolled a bit to one side. Praying s/he makes it! The kids will be so disappointed if we lose any chicks!

Gonna call it a night and see how they are tomorrow.

Just playing with the kids! Lol

Three external pips now.

Lockdown 21 chicken eggs from my flock due to hatch Friday!

Good Luck!

Sending out good vibes to everyone still waiting for eggs to hatch on this thread.
Thank You!

The pictures are pretty blurry, but the first Dominique set has produced 4 very active peeps. The next set (the largest set) locks down tomorrow.

Very nice! Good luck with the next set.

Final results
Americaunas 15 set, 15 at lockdown, 13 hatched
Mixed barnyard 25 set, 23 at lockdown, 21 hatched
Total at lockdown 38, total hatch 34

Pretty good hatch!
Miiiike? Why have my all but one of my baby ducks stopped swimming? And while I know an adult can have a bad experience in a pond (snappers went after them) but what can I do to make my adult girl swim? And from all that I see, a duck is a duck, but a drake is the boy, and a duck is the girl. Never called a hen. Is that right?
Hatch is proceeding well, but there is one Cream Legbar pullet that has something a little off about her. She seems extra tired and she seems like she might have a vaulted skull. What do you think? Am I crazy or is there something off about her?

Have you given it any electrolytes?

She knows where it is safe ...up under momma!

Rose and Angel have already picked their favorite chicks.

I have 7 chicks out and 3 pips of the 19 that made it to lockdown... and one of the chicks isn't going to make it. It's neck was twisted and locked in place (though it managed to pip and zip on it's own), and once it was finally able to turn it's head around, it's head and neck were very swollen. Since it was badly saddled, I hatched it upright in an egg carton. Once it decided it wanted to come out of it's cradle, that's when things got really bad... it hadn't absorbed it's yolk. Although I've got it back in it's shell sitting in the egg carton, it doesn't look too promising. It appears to be fading fast. The other 6 look fine, and I'm really hoping the other 9 will come along soon. Tonight will suit me just fine...

Speaking of tonight, I have to call it a night. Have a great one, everyone!
I hope the others got moving!

Here is Milk with her babies. Their daddy is Quacker's lol


An update
During the night 5 cream legbar Roos hatched!
I went to bed with only 3 and I was thinking not bad so far out of
8 eggs that hatched so far and
Then I wake up with 8 roosters!
Some will have to go sadly

Sadly There is some parts of poultry keeping that are not the greatest
Anyway 5 more piping and 3 more hens hatched
So I have 8 roosters 8 hens
5 eggs piping
Glad the your having a good hatch!

Finally, there is veining in a Silkie egg from one of my girls!!! I feel like I have waited forever for this, I am so excited to start populating the world with more Silkies! I am just dying to see what will hatch from my eggs!!!!

My 6 Silkie eggs, 4 or 5 Cochins are going into day 20 and I have 2 internal pippers! One of my mystery eggs quit on day 18 or so and come find out it was an Ayam Cemani! Bummer! I still have one left, I was given them as extras, if you can believe it. I thought that maybe that was what they were... I hope the one left hatches because then I can spend an absurd amount of money trying to hatch a partner/flock for it! I think that was the plan

Also, I hatched another 2 sticky ducklings and I could really use some advice. The last ones I hatched I have not been able to fluff up! I have bathed them, brushed them, put them in my incubator with two fans (that will fluff up anything else). And it has not worked. Later their feathers come in weird and not like a normal duck. Honestly, I don't own a hair dryer, but I will go get one if that is the solution. I just don't understand, they are perfectly normal and healthy otherwise.

Not sure why the ducks won't fluff.

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