"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

As of this morning 3 out of my 5 silkies have hatched. I have another piped and nothing so far out of the cracked egg. (If that hatches it will be a happy surprise). They were from eBay and are white silkies. 2 are yellow down and one is silvery white. I'm assuming they will all turn white, but this is my first experience with silkies so not sure how colors work out.

I think one of my morans has vision issues or something. Peeps like he's constantly lost...doesn't seem to react to my hand grabbing, won't leave the heating pad area for food or water. He was one I had to assist in hatching and has slightly sprayed legs. Not sure he will make it, but we are giving him Gatorade and egg yoke to try to keep him going. Told my daughter to expect he may not last the week. Really bummed bc I only had 3 of 8 Moran eggs hatch.

As for the 11 eggs that didn't hatch, nothing other than one oozer yesterday (yuck!) going to toss them once my silkies finish but at this point they are at day 24 so I don't have much hope for them anyhow.
Sounds like you are doing everything right for the maran, good luck with the rest!
Having a good run of bad luck this incubation. I've had 8 hatch healthy, 1 open abdomen, and 4 more are pipped. 7 more in the bator have done nothing so far. Not a good round considering I started with 30 eggs and only 3 were clears. :he
Having a good run of bad luck this incubation. I've had 8 hatch healthy, 1 open abdomen, and 4 more are pipped. 7 more in the bator have done nothing so far. Not a good round considering I started with 30 eggs and only 3 were clears.

Any improvement on the one with the buggered neck and head?
Thanks for posting the link to the article!  Actually the thread is Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids. I didn't get back on to the computer after we got home so I'm glad someone has my back!

I'm raising 5 kids and a bunch of chickens. 2 of my kids are autistic, my 13 year old son is high functioning and my 15 year old daughter is a non functioning. Both (all 5 kids actually ) love the chickens and watching the babies grow up. Its great to find others with a life similar to mine.
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Final update on my guinea hatch. Six little peanuts all fuzzy and healthy. Was hoping for a pied bird, but all pearls.

One eggbert that was a quitter. I've left it in the incubator, but no cheeps, movement or pips. I did a water test yesterday and didn't see any movement. I'll test once more today and then chunk it. I've had late hatchers before, but you can usually tell they are good.

On to the May Hatch Along!

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