springtime post your new chick pics

Wanted to share pictures of my new buff orphington babies. We got our first chicks last week, 2 ameracauna, 2 brown leghorns, 1 rooster, 3 turkeys, and 2 ducks. But or buff orphingtons were back-ordered. They just came today, and they're already getting along with their big sisters and friends. They are such cute little fluff balls, way fluffier than the other ones were. My son named them flopsy and mopsy.

This one comes right up to me everytime I open the door. I couldn't get him far enough away from the camera to get a good picture.

A little fluffball

Making friends with a turkey
New to this whole Chicken thing....These are our first babies. They are so adorable. This picture was taken on Sunday,I can't believe how much they are changing already. Their colors are differing from each other and their wings have really come in and are darkening. They are getting more and more distinguished. So fun to watch. I do have a lot of questions so you will see me in the forum quite a lot.
Happy spring time!
Everybodies' chicks are so adorable. My first Olive Egg hatch.

New Easter eggers

She developed some nice light Easter Egger coloring a few days after she hatched.

The crew toward the front of this picture are all my own hatches, the ones toward the back are young Silkies I bought from our local feed store.
This is Mama Honey playing Peek-a-Boo with her 7 chicks hatched April 29. The lone brown one was the first.

Below is Freckles with a very fresh hatch - one of two. This chick was hatched on May 2.
Babies!!! Love all the pictures!

Here is my new Bantum Cochin. I have always claimed to hate any bantum, but I got these guys at a chick auction... $2 for 3 of them, just to cheap to pass up. Now, I am in love!!

Wait til they mature, you will totally love them. I love all my banty cochins so much, that I bought some full size cochins. The banty hens have been very sweet and great mothers. They have adopted chicks that are already hatched even. They are as sweet as the Silkies.

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