Square footage for chickens?

With eight feet to work with, 6 tiers would take up too much space (not enough clearance/floor space to safely fly down). You'll want to leave about four feet open, espcially since, if you stair step, some roosts will be pretty high... Plus of course your door opening will need to be clear...for cleaning purposes you don't want to be overly crowded in roosts either. You might be able to get two "steps" on each side of the roo, depending on your coop's layout. That would give 32 linear feet of roost...
There's a link to a great article about space for chickens in my signature just below this post....click the bold blue text below.

Not seeing the link? Can you help me out aart?
Hi, just as an FYI I noticed that when you edit your profile, there's an option to select whether you see signatures or not, it's a radio button. Mine was on by default, but maybe other people turned off signatures? Just a thought!

But this is getting off topic from hen square footage so I'll leave the thread now :)


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