SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??

Well... I wouldn't shoot a dog for attacking my chickens. I would sue the dog's owner for the damages. That way the dog gets to live and I am compensated and I don't get sued for killing someone's pet.
Honestly..i think thats the better option..
Then i could still sleep at night.
The guy shot the dog and then hid the body. I can think of better ways to have handled that whole situation. If I were the dog owner, then the shooter better have some dead chickens to show me. The chicken owner did nothing to maintain community. He should've talked to his neighbor about the dog first. He could have sued the dog owner for the worth of the chickens, no?

And where were the chickens that they were so easily killed?
here's where I am going to disagree..... lets up the stakes....... instead of chickens, lets assume they are cows....... and instead of a doggy worrying cows, lets make them humans to up the size........ Now in most states they still have on the books that you can hang cattle rustlers and horse thieves....... so how is this any different? If it was a human that was killing or stealing my cows or ponies, I'd shoot him as well. Headshot with a rifle at a decent distance.. Only difference is that I wouldn't do the last part of the S, I'd have the fools family meet me when the sherrifs department showed up, and I'd hand them a bill for my shell. a 30/.06 is a buck a shell now a days........
according to the article they were BEHIND an electric fence that the dog got into... after leaving his own yard..........
here's where I am going to disagree..... lets up the stakes....... instead of chickens, lets assume they are cows....... and instead of a doggy worrying cows, lets make them humans to up the size........ Now in most states they still have on the books that you can hang cattle rustlers and horse thieves....... so how is this any different? If it was a human that was killing or stealing my cows or ponies, I'd shoot him as well. Headshot with a rifle at a decent distance.. Only difference is that I wouldn't do the last part of the S, I'd have the fools family meet me when the sherrifs department showed up, and I'd hand them a bill for my shell. a 30/.06 is a buck a shell now a days........

That's funny!...and more trouble than you save in shooting them if you ask me. Think of all the interviews and paperwork and the possible cost of legal representation...Not worth it, more fun to be the plaintiff, I wouldn't shoot someone over cows. I would sue them!
Owner bears full responsibility for this...he has to keep his dog outta other peoples property, he didn't do that, he pays the price...any judge that doesn't see it that way, should be voted off the bench...
here's where I am going to disagree..... lets up the stakes....... instead of chickens, lets assume they are cows....... and instead of a doggy worrying cows, lets make them humans to up the size........ Now in most states they still have on the books that you can hang cattle rustlers and horse thieves....... so how is this any different? If it was a human that was killing or stealing my cows or ponies, I'd shoot him as well. Headshot with a rifle at a decent distance.. Only difference is that I wouldn't do the last part of the S, I'd have the fools family meet me when the sherrifs department showed up, and I'd hand them a bill for my shell. a 30/.06 is a buck a shell now a days........

That's funny!...and more trouble than you save in shooting them if you ask me. Think of all the interviews and paperwork and the possible cost of legal representation...Not worth it, more fun to be the plaintiff, I wouldn't shoot someone over cows. I would sue them!

hehehe I know I know... The other great thing about michigan and texas (the state I live in now and the state I want to retire to) is that it is perfectly legal to kill another human who's endangering you, or about to commit a violent felony anywhere on your property. Not saying I wouldn't fire a warning shot on a human first... but honestly, if I am going to pull the trigger a warning shot is considered assault with a deadly weapon. Shooting to wound is assault with a deadly weapon... you wing him, its assault with a deadly weapon... you kill him its self defense of life and lively hood.

ETA - I just wanted to put a different spin on this because most folks value fido's life far more than they value their own. There's a lotta folks (who don't advertise it) who'd rather just shoot you than look at you if you are causing them problems on their own property.
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Im sorry but ANY animal gets caught killing MY livestock they are dead(even my own animal).. I have a very strict rule on my farm if an animal takes a life its life is forfeit.. PERIOD.... I find it funny that folks are all "Well I'd give him two chances ".. Let me just tell you it only takes ONE chance to lose your favorite bird, rabbit etc.....Now if they didnt kill any of my animals but just frightened them maybe (and thats a big maybe, with many factors), then maybe I will give them a chance...

I agree with the OP , next time the guy needs to bury it a lot deeper.....
But what if this is someones helper dog or seeing eye dog and it got out just this once? Wouldn't it be better if it could be worked out, to give your neighbors a chance to make reparations? You would not be willing to speak with the owner and ask for financial reembursement first? It seems to me that I would rather have the cash than just someone else's old dead dog. It seems like you loose and the dog pays but nobody gets any satisfaction.

Boyd, you and I are sooo different - the only folks I would shoot are people I personally dislike. Otherwise, where's the fun in it?

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