SSS for DD BFs?


thootp veteran
11 Years
Apr 10, 2008
Washington, PA
Shoot it. Shovel it. Shut up about it.

That's funny. I've been telling my four daughters for years that if they bring home goob boyfriends that mistreat them that I'll have holes awaiting them all over the property! Each boyfriend gets to meet Dad and dig his own hole before embarking on the first date!

Is that being too overprotective? I think that a healthy fear is reasonable.

God help me with four boy-crazy daughters! :eek:
Your the BEST
I dont know how i made it through one daughter........if you survive all 4.... OMG ,you deserve woman of the year award!!!!
I think that sounds like a FABULOUS idea! My friend's dad used to sit and clean his gun whenever their dates would come by the house. I like the hole idea!
My DH is gonna get a kick out of that!
If I win "Woman of the Year" that would be quite the feat, since I lack all of the necessary "equipment"!!! Oh my god, it's "The Crying Game" all over!!! :eek:
I love the idea!!! We have a few years before the dating starts but, that is something I will have to remember for when the time starts. It will make them real worried!
I know when one of my daughters new boyfriend came over I had just got back from bird hunting and I had my gun and he just about ran away.

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