St. John's Wort

I would watch her closely and if you see classic Mariks symptoms, begin treatment immediately. Our first one was sick for a month and we thought it was heat related because whenever the temp went over 100, she would become weak, wouldn't eat or drink. I hand fed her, kept her cool, and in a few days she would be walking and eating better. Then she'd go downhill again. She became so weak finally that we asked the lab to euthanize her and do the necropsy. It was Marek's with tumors on internal organs and her bones. The second one didn't show any symptoms until 2 days before she died, but she was suddenly paralyzed. Necropsy showed the same internal tumors. So far the 3rd one is responding well to the SJW treatment so we're hopeful. Only time will tell, but I didn't expect her to be alive the morning after I started treatment as she was so weak. She is showing no symptoms right now, after 5 days of treatment, but if she does, I will begin treatment again.
I'm sorry you got a chick with Marek's. I'm glad you had her necropsied. How old was she?
Peaches was 5 months when we first noticed symptoms and died at 6 mo. Lacey was 9 months when we noticed symptoms and died in 48 hours. The necropsy showed that she had the disease for some time. Roxy was approximately 7 months when she showed symptoms. Weak leg on one side, not eating, wry neck stretched out at odd angle, could barely walk, staggered with feet crossing over each other. Near death when we started SJW treatment. Was remarkably better in two days so we stopped SJW. By evening she was walking crooked again, so we resumed treatment. Again, great improvement. Treated for 5 days, then stopped 3 days ago. Very active, eating well, looking quite perky so far. Mareks is very contagious when one chicken has an active case. That may be because they are quite sick before symptoms appear so you can't isolate the sick one soon enough to do any good.
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But, as has been said many times in this thread....SJW is not quite the same thing as Hypericum. 

SJW is hypericum. Though I get the feeling our definitions of hypericum are different. The active ingredients of SJW or hypericum that are thought to be of use are hypericin and hyperforin. So really you shouldn't be buying hypericum but instead hypericin or hyperforin, whichever one you feel is most useful for your need. If hypericum only has one of the two, hypericin or hyperforin, then it's the mislabeled product. If it has both, then for all intents and purposes, it is St Johns Wort.

I thought a liquid might offer a quicker and more complete absorption since dry products don't always dissolve or mix well in water. Though adding it to alcohol does usually improve both the mixing rate and the absorption rate.

Is it possible to change the title so no one else makes the same error?

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