St. John's Wort

What I'd like to know is why hypericium 30c allegedly works better than the liquid or pill form of St John's Wort.


Edited to add this picture:

Castorportpony, are you talking about people on this thread reporting it as more successful, or pill producers? Homeopathics aren't considered drugs by the FDA (as they're either all water, or all sugar/lactose binder), so they're not really regulated at all. The companies can basically make whatever claims they want - they fit into the same sort of legal gray area as nutrient supplements, where as long as they word things properly, they're not going to get called on things.

If its the people in this thread - I have no idea - the pills are nothing but sugar, and a lactose based binding agent. There's no actual St. John's Wort. There has never been a single controlled trial for any homeopathic remedy that has shown any affect.

Homeopathic and Herbal are not the same thing. I something contains any active ingredient, it can't legally be marketed as homeopathic.

EDIT: The image you linked is an herbal - it has actual plant material in it - and thus it has hyperforin which is the active ingredient in any St. Johns Wort based concocation - and thus it has to list side effects, has to be tested, etc.
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Well, here's something else to consider, just a heads up. We have her in a hospital cage with a heat light during the day, she's in a small carrier at night. We left this afternoon to go to a movie and didn't get back til after dark. Because the weather is so mild, the chickens were outside, so we left the barn lights on, and the door open. When we came home there was a screech owl in the barn! We think Peanut must have been giving off a distress signal, that potentially attracted the owl. He was sitting over her cage. He's still in there. We moved her into her small carrier and are not worried about him particularly, since he's too small to bother the adult chickens...but interesting that she would be giving off distress signals that we as humans don't detect. Will monitor and hopefully he will leave shortly.

That happened to one of my pullets. A hawk must have heard her distress call (help I've been left alone!) and got her. But an owl in the barn? Wow!!!
Edit... Can't condone people 'debating' how it works or methods of application since that's also against forum rules, lol.

Testing it personally would be more relevant than simply debating it, since there is no 'SJW expert' here.

If people are interested in 'debating how it works', well, myself and some others have posted information, if anyone still has points to debate or wants more info on how it works, they'll need to go over it with the article writers. Not much point debating whether homeopathy works or not with people that have posted saying it's worked for them, though. I'm sure we're all exhaustively familiar with the pro/anti homeopathy debate. If somebody is lacking in that, starting a new thread would be the appropriate idea, not turning this one into that.

If people want to post outright dismissals of what some people are saying they have found to work, in the very thread that is about finding treatments that work, then that is breaking forum rules, as I said --- because it's against the rules to join a thread to attack the topic. That appears to be the subject some people got mixed up on.

Best wishes.

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That happened to one of my pullets. A hawk must have heard her distress call (help I've been left alone!) and got her. But an owl in the barn? Wow!!!

yeah, I was so happy it was just a screech and not a GHO or Barred Owl! That would be a problem.
. The Screech was cute. I'm pretty sure he was after Peanut tho cause he spent a lot of time sitting over her cage. He wasn't at all interested in the others, and they eventually pretty much figured that out and went to sleep. After we moved her we turned off all the lights except the night lights, and opened all the doors. He was outta there in an hour or so.

Sorry you lost your pullet.
As it goes.

Back on topic...

Edit... Can't condone people 'debating' how it works or methods of application since that's also against forum rules, lol.

Testing it personally would be more relevant than simply debating it, since there is no 'SJW expert' here.

If people are interested in 'debating how it works', well, myself and some others have posted information, if anyone still has points to debate or wants more info on how it works, they'll need to go over it with the article writers. Not much point debating whether homeopathy works or not with people that have posted saying it's worked for them, though. I'm sure we're all exhaustively familiar with the pro/anti homeopathy debate. If somebody is lacking in that, starting a new thread would be the appropriate idea, not turning this one into that.

If people want to post outright dismissals of what some people are saying they have found to work, in the very thread that is about finding treatments that work, then that is breaking forum rules, as I said --- because it's against the rules to join a thread to attack the topic. That appears to be the subject some people got mixed up on.

Best wishes.

I agree, if you want to argue the pros and cons of Herbal/ Holistic, etc, etc, etc,etc it doesn't belong in a thread where the results of one treatment are being discussed. Start a separate thread, please, and reference the originating one if you must, but it makes it very hard for people who are just trying to make a decision and looking for answers. Usually, they don't have the time or patience to read through all the arguing, they're just trying to make a decision for themselves!!!!!! OK, we all appreciate that some of are more well versed in all the scientific stuff than others. OK. But it's up to the individual to make the decision about their bird. We all want and appreciate everyone's advice, opinions, and experiences, but I know that I personally, when looking for answers, tend to skip right over all that arguing stuff. Please! (Ditto, "as it goes..."
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This is a re-post of mine from November of 2009. I got many responses from people who tried this after reading my post and their chickens became well again. Therefore, I think it's worth repeating.

My saga with Mareks:

One of my RIR's began to be unable to walk. Her legs were splayed out, one in front and one in back. I felt terrible for her, so I made sure to pick her up and take her to the feed twice a day. After that I'd take her to the water. I'd leave a little feeder right in front of her so she could eat whenever she wanted. Except for her leg condition and inability to walk, she seemed fine. She ate ravenously. I used to sit in the coop and lay her belly up in the crook of my arm while watching the other chickens. She'd close her eyes and I'd sit there and cry. I figured I'd take care of her until I could see that she no longer wanted to live.

She had feces stuck to her tail feathers because she couldn't move when she pooped. I took her to my bathroom, turned her belly up and with a warm washcloth, I carefully blotted and rinsed, blotted and rinsed. The stuff was stuck so strong that it took a good hour to remove most of it. She just closed her eyes and didn't struggle. Sweet, sweet girl.

Someone told me about colloidal silver and how it killed viruses. People used to use real silverware in the old days for it's sterilizing effect on food. I heard that Marek's was a virus so I gave her a dropper full. She started to get better and in a couple of days, I gave her another dropper full. Her legs started to heal and when I could see that she would be walking again, I assisted her walking. In addition to the colloidal silver, my husband and I did visualizations akin to the ones you may have read about having little pac men eating up whatever of the virus remained.

My dream was that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her and the other RIR's I have because she'd be walking normally again. Well, my wish has come true. She is totally healthy and the only way I can tell it's her is because she's a bit smaller than the others having gone through what she did.

Last week I noticed one of my New Hampshire Reds starting to limp. I waited a couple of days to see if she had injured it and perhaps it might go away. The limp was still there and getting worse. I captured her and gave her a dropper full of colloidal silver and within two days, she is no longer limping.

I'm not saying that this is some kind of miracle cure, but with Marek's, everyone is so darned sure that it's fatal, saying there is no cure, but that is simply not true in our case. Oh, by the way, all our chicks were vaccinated at 1 day old for Marek's.

I couldn't be happier, which is why I wanted to pass this on to anyone who is faced with this issue.

Anyone else had an experience with this?
Lost another to Marek's. She was much better after worming and vitamins, though I bet that had nothing to do with her getting better for a few weeks.

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Sorry for your loss.

Weirdly, our chick was better after deworming, too. She had been just weak and lying down a lot, having trouble keeping up with her mother and sibs. After the deworming, she was running around like normal for a few days. It was just about ten days ago that she started limping again, and downhill from there. No idea how deworming could make any difference, but it is weirdly coincidental.

B vitamins might have had some effect for the better, if you were giving your hen those. I was going to try to start Peanut on a poultry BVitamin mix they have at the mill....

She has improved only slightly so far, with the Hypericum. Yesterday she got up and walked to her water. I was surprised, as her right leg does not work well. But since then she
has kind of leveled out again.

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