St. John's Wort

My girl is showing symptoms associated with Marek's, though mostly tumors. She is only now today showing minor balancing issues. Is it too late for treatment once she develops tumors?

She's been quite lethargic for three days now, but she is eating, drinking and pooping. She is now outside on the lawn standing up in the sun, occasionally lies down to rest, but gets up again to take a few steps and stretch. I gave her the first dose of hypericum about 30 minutes ago.

They only show the paralysis/lameness type symptoms once they've developed tumors from what I've read. No, it's not too late while there is still life. But as you can see it's not an easy disease to battle once it's taken hold. Good luck!

Sorry to hear of your loss, @chicknmania .
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Thank you.
just hoping this is the end of it, at least for a while. We need a break, and so do they. The rest seem ok, so...keeping fingers crossed.

I don't have much in the way of words for you, but you certainly have my sympathy. I felt the same going through weeding out my leucosis-susceptible lines. It was an exhausting experience, I saw the flock in shades of greyscale after that, lol... For a while. Thankfully it appears I was zealous enough in ripping up the family tree roots and all the first time, it's not come back, and color returned to my view of the flock.

Bit strong terms maybe but I am sure most of those battling with such devastating diseases will empathize or understand.

Best wishes.
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Hi!! I have a pullet with suspected Marek's and am giving her SJW as a hail mary. It didn't come in tablets anywhere in town, just gel caps. One is 150 mg. If I bust it open and mix it in 1 Tbs of distilled water, do you think I am still good to go? Thanks for your help!! :)
Update: Last night we gave Barbara her first dose of hypericum (St John's Wort). She is stronger this morning!! Came out of the coop for the first time on her own in days! Gave her another dose this morning. I read a lot on how there are no studies to prove it, but hypericum has been noted to CURE Marek's. I've also read sometimes it works, sometimes not. Either way, I will give a bird every possible chance at a healthy life before culling, so it's worth a shot. I will keep you updated on how this ends up. For today, I am hopeful.
No, I haven't but only because I can't find it in stores around here! I saw a website where this guy makes it, but wow, looked complicated!! (I try to stay clear of electricity. LOL!!)
Update: Last night we gave Barbara her first dose of hypericum (St John's Wort). She is stronger this morning!! Came out of the coop for the first time on her own in days! Gave her another dose this morning. I read a lot on how there are no studies to prove it, but hypericum has been noted to CURE Marek's. I've also read sometimes it works, sometimes not. Either way, I will give a bird every possible chance at a healthy life before culling, so it's worth a shot. I will keep you updated on how this ends up. For today, I am hopeful.

WEll, I can seriously recommend it, as we've had two hens that recovered from what I'm sure was Marek's, after we treated them with the Hypericum Perforatum. We've had some that haven't..(it's all detailed in this thread lol) but it's miraculous when it does work. Good luck, please let us know how Barbara does with it!

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