St. John's Wort

god i wish i knew about this before 3 of my favourite sebright hens died from mareks!!
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the one i gave it to did not seem to help but initially did not seem to make worse. this chick i tried it on . ate well, but the paralysis did not get better.
A Survivor:ya
I posted somewhere a while back about my little Brahama chick. He had all the symptoms of Marek's or Botulism.
At his worst, he was laying on his side and no control of his leggs. I brought him in the house when I first saw
that something was wrong.
It is now 7 weeks later and last week he stood up and is now walking:celebrate:weee:clap
Saturday he started crowing....sounds real pitiful. Last night he jumped out of his tub.
He is not walking real steady, kind of like he is drunk and his toes are curled under on his right foot but that
may straighten out or maybe not.
I always made sure he had food and water with vitamins. His appetite was always good. He never gave up on
living so I didn't give up on him.
We are going to build him his own little pen outside where he will be safe and maybe find him a lady friend.
Does Mareks wipe out a flock quickly or is it slow? I have been having a bird every month or two becoming paralized getting poopy bums and losing weight fast basicly wasting away within days ? Is that how it works?
What's the shelf-life of Hypericum tablets?

I lost 4/5 of my first group of chicks to Marek's last May (confirmed by necropsy), and now my gorgeous bantam cochin roo is showing symptoms (confirmed by a vet visit yesterday - no other diagnosis is likely).

Can I use the Hypericum I have left over from last spring in the meantime while I go get new stuff?

Thank you! I'm hoping he has a better chance, since his seems to be the slow-acting kind (as opposed to the dead-in-a-day version of Marek's that my chicks had) and he's older...
Well you may have helped me. I am going (I hope tomorrow to get the stuff) I have had some different stuff too, but a lot of those symptoms too. I thought it wa Mareks, but hubby kept saying the neighbor is posioning the birds (we had problems w/her) I was without a computer until recently and now you post this so you have given me hope.

Just to let you know, my birds are having sudden death (one day they look fine the next gone), star gazing, leg paralysis, some different though, one is gasping (no worms I checked,) she limps too (hubby said it reminded him of the elephant man) I also have one that cannot walk at all. I am still debating what to do with her, my view on live if a human goes paralized we don't kill them, but if I keep her and it is Mareks, I could kill the healthy birds. (she is not out w/them she is in the house, but with me and the kids around her and then if I go to the coop I risk my other birds.

If you have any ideas what to do for the gasping bird I would love to hear it, I don't know if that could be Mareks too.

Thanks for the hope, I thought I was gonna have to kill the whole flock.

The legs go first then they lose the weight. I keep the food and water close. But they all die within days of legs stop working. It is always after a hot and humid day that this creeps up. I lost 1, 2 weeks ago and now we have had heat wave I have 2 showin leg issues.
My Little Roo has survived and now appears normal. His foot straightened out and he no linger limps. I still bring him in at night until we build his pen. He goes outside during the day in a fenced area with no other chickens. He scratches and runs around like there was never anything wrong with him.
It took 6 weeks for him to start getting better. He still needs weight on him and he is small for his age.

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