St. John's Wort

Thanks for this remedy. It did help my almost gone bird. However, I was unable to find hypericum tablets, I am using pellets and crushing them. I have some questions. How many 30C pellets would be equivalent to the amoung of C's your tablets have? Is it okay to use pellets? I also could not find distilled water, but did get purified water for babies and it's from the rainforest. He still cannot stand prolonged periods of time, but can stand up for some seconds and is eating on his own. Please let me know how many C's your tablets have and if purified water okay to use. Thanks.
In homeopathy, it is not the number of pills given at one time that matters, but the frequency of the dosing. Pellets and tablets work the same. If you are seeing improvement, do not give any more. Only re-dose if the improvement stops or if after giving it some time to work, she starts getting worse. To slightly increase the potency of the 30C, put 1-2 pellets in 8oz. of chemical-free water in a clean bottle. I use a 16 oz. bottle of water and pour out half. (Yes, the purified water will work) Let sit for 15 minutes to let the pellet dissolve. Then succuss the bottle by firmly hitting against your hand or other firm surface 10 times (make sure the cap is on!) Give him a dose (I use an eyedropper full). Each time you need to give him a dose, succuss the bottle 10x before you give it. Again, do not give him a dose if you are seeing improvemnt - just give it time to work.

When my hen was sick (I don't know that it was Marek's), I used 200C. You will not find this higher potency at retail stores. If the 30C helped, but has stopped or slowed down and the above method does not help, you may want to consider 200C. If you do decide to get the 200C, be cautious about re-dosing as you are more likely to cause an aggravation with the higher potencies. You may want to do some reading on using homeopathic remedies if you have not used them before. Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook by Alan Schmukler is an excellent book. It is available for Kindle, which can be downloaded to your computer (as can the Kindle for PC app to read it, which is free). There are many others available, but this is a pretty easy read and I like his attitude.

I know this all sounds crazy, but it does work if you have the correct remedy. I am not an expert, but I do use homeopathy regularly at home with my family and our pets. PM me if you have questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Good luck!
Thanks for this remedy. It did help my almost gone bird. However, I was unable to find hypericum tablets, I am using pellets and crushing them. I have some questions. How many 30C pellets would be equivalent to the amoung of C's your tablets have? Is it okay to use pellets? I also could not find distilled water, but did get purified water for babies and it's from the rainforest. He still cannot stand prolonged periods of time, but can stand up for some seconds and is eating on his own. Please let me know how many C's your tablets have and if purified water okay to use. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply. The rooster is not getting that much better, but it's not getting worse either. I do see he is able to stand up for a few seconds, but that's about as good as it gets.At least he is eating fine on his own. I do have to put the food near him though and I am unsure is he is seeing. I think he still can see, but not too much. Should I then try to get 200C pellets.
To date, I have lost 30+ birds to Marek' date, with hypericum treatment, I have yet to save one. I am not saying that some have had luck with it, I'm just saying that it doesn't work as well as some would say. I noticed that one bird would start to get better and I would stop treatment...she would immediately have a set back. If I didn't dose twice daily, she would slide backwards. She has held on for 7 months but has never regained use of her legs or wings. Now, the disease has spread and I fear that her days are now numbered and no amount of meds is going to help.
now i wonder if it is worth it to prolong the diseases course to 7 months. let her die and be at peace quick instead of dragging out the inevitable and prolonging the suffering. and i read somewhere that st johns wort is toxic to chickens if eaten in plant form.
now i wonder if it is worth it to prolong the diseases course to 7 months. let her die and be at peace quick instead of dragging out the inevitable and prolonging the suffering. and i read somewhere that st johns wort is toxic to chickens if eaten in plant form.
This was my son's favorite...he begged me to try. Until a couple days ago, she was perfectly content and happy. I was hoping to figure out a way to 'cure' this disease. She was a vaccinated chick and I was hoping that the hypericum would do the trick. Now, it is apparent that she isn't happy and she will be euthanized...much to our dismay.
To date, I have lost 30+ birds to Marek' date, with hypericum treatment, I have yet to save one. I am not saying that some have had luck with it, I'm just saying that it doesn't work as well as some would say. I noticed that one bird would start to get better and I would stop treatment...she would immediately have a set back. If I didn't dose twice daily, she would slide backwards. She has held on for 7 months but has never regained use of her legs or wings. Now, the disease has spread and I fear that her days are now numbered and no amount of meds is going to help.
What potency are you using (6C, 30C, etc.)?
Hi and good for you to work with the remedies. The advice away from food is mostly because heavy smells like meat-garlic-coffee-cleanser all stop the remedy from working--so give them a chance to work then eat or drink. With chicken food -unless medicated or a mash of some kind it probably is not a problem unless it has fennel or some wonderful smell to it.

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