St. John's Wort

Quote: If you have been treating her for an extended time, the 30C probably is not potent enough, even prepared in the water bottle. Homeopathic remedies do not work as well when the same potency is used over and over again. Generally, the potency of the remedy should be increased each time it is given. This can be accomplished by preparing a water bottle of the remedy that I explained in an earlier post (#153) in this thread, or by purchasing the higher potencies. Because of the severity of the disease, I would choose the second method and jump up to the 200C, prepared in the water bottle. Seven months is a long time to struggle with this and I can understand you may need to put an end to her suffering. But if you would like to try the 200C, if you PM me your address, I will send you enough of the 200C Hypericum to prepare a bottle.
If you have been treating her for an extended time, the 30C probably is not potent enough, even prepared in the water bottle. Homeopathic remedies do not work as well when the same potency is used over and over again. Generally, the potency of the remedy should be increased each time it is given. This can be accomplished by preparing a water bottle of the remedy that I explained in an earlier post (#153) in this thread, or by purchasing the higher potencies. Because of the severity of the disease, I would choose the second method and jump up to the 200C, prepared in the water bottle. Seven months is a long time to struggle with this and I can understand you may need to put an end to her suffering. But if you would like to try the 200C, if you PM me your address, I will send you enough of the 200C Hypericum to prepare a bottle.
That is very kind of you. I have been using 30c in a tbsp of distilled water. I don't rinse the container, so every time I mix it is at a different strength...not very scientific, but it's true. Marek's is a killer. It can go into remission and some stay that way..for others, remission is short lived and the disease comes back in a different way. Right now, I fear that it has caused a tumor behind the eye, affecting her brain. I will continue to try and fight but, if she doesn't improve in a couple days, I will be forced to admit defeat.

What is your opinion of using the same strength and cutting back on the amount of water to dilute?

I don't want to take your time and money for shipping when I am unsure if she is going to pull through this time.
Quote: The way homeopathy works, cutting back the water will have little or no effect. As it seems like you have a continuing problem with Marek's, I would order the 200C Hypericum to have on hand. I use Washington Homeopathic ( ). I can put a few pellets in an envelope for the cost of a stamp, but I understand if you think it is too late for her.
Sorry to interrupt your post, but could i just ask a question about Mareks. I have had a hen on and off have trouble with balance and her feet curl up .... leaving her unable to walk... So i guess a style of paralysis. i can starten her toes and she can stand though.... but to take another step she's totally un co- ordinated.

All the other symptoms though dont necessary fit, she's had diarrea, (but good now) she's probably been a little depressed ( but chats all the time now, well i guess not all the time)
she now eats most food i give her... and she is still laying ( at the moment she's warm in side due to we are in winter, so i guess she thinks its spring already)

We have had bad weather very wet few weeks on and off, i wasnt sure whether that could be something to do with it...

I had a lovely person mention that it may be Mareks but.... i'm just not sure.
If so do you think its worth giving her a dose of this tablet if i can get it here ( in Australia)

This hen has had these syptoms alot worse 2 months ago but since looks like she's turned a corner... But in saying that just a few days ago i had another hen, not want to walk then now she struggles to stand flat footed.... So we start again...

If you have any idea's please let me know... These 'girls' although pampered need to live a chooks life outside ( well i guess once it starts getting warmer) Thank you ;-)
Hello, this is my first post and I am posting because I have lost two chickens and have a third, limping...each bird has had somewhat different symptoms - but the more reading that I do, leads me back to Marek's.....My big questions is this, besides the couple of posts on this thread about colloidal silver, has anyone tried it? - I keep some at the house for just in case emergencies - as it is very expensive, but this morning, after having a chicken die yesterday - almost out of the blue - I started thinking more about all of the horrible posts on Marek's - and I think, 'well, it is a virus, and CS kills viruses', so I google it and find this thread.. I have been treating all of my chickens since this morning with CS, so we'll see, and I'll keep this thread updated and most-likely start a new one...
Hello, this is my first post and I am posting because I have lost two chickens and have a third,  limping...each bird has had somewhat different symptoms - but the more reading that I do, leads me back to Marek's.....My big questions is this, besides the couple of posts on this thread about colloidal silver, has anyone tried it? - I keep some at the house for just in case emergencies - as it is very expensive, but this morning, after having a chicken die yesterday - almost out of the blue - I started thinking more about all of the horrible posts on Marek's - and I think, 'well, it is a virus, and CS kills viruses', so I google it and find this thread.. I have been treating all of my chickens since this morning with CS, so we'll see, and I'll keep this thread updated and most-likely start a new one...

I have never had to deal with Mareks and hope and pray I never do. It is very scary to hear all these horrible story's. I to thought the CS was very interesting and am really glad someone else is giving it a try. I am really glad you'll be sharing this with us. Looking forward to reading the results. It would be wonderful if it works!
Hi VPF and Suzierd, It is horrid to even read the threads, about Marek's, isn't it? I do have a somewhat -update, though....I had been really hoping that we didn't have a case of Mareks, but I ran into the guy that sold me my first batch of chicks - at the feed store. He admitted to having to 'kill 40 birds' - I didn't get the specifics like, when, -(more like, *** (!) why are you selling babies!) - or what (WTH my Americana's are mixed with RIR and who knows what) - because I was just so overwhelmed at the reality, that there is more proof, that's whats going on.....-

I have been giving the CS in their water and the fresh food I mix up, which, I'm not exactly sure is the best should be given straight, I think, on an empty stomach. Quite a while back, when my first girl was sick, I read somewhere on here that u could drown a chicken, by giving oral meds.... is that true?

Also, I found this info on Marek's that I'd like to share, by Peter J. Brown,

Whoa, that's a long link, the info is down at the bottom of the page.

I guess, I need to see who else gets sick and just wait it out.... I am wondering how else to deal with this, if the CS doesn't work....and it looks like this disease has been around for a long time... I don't want to vaccinate, and it looks as though that will only prevent the tumors and therefore - most of the symptoms.... so it doesn't offer immunity anyways.... I don't know, its so overwhelming, apparently even if we culled them all, its still in the soil.......

Boo whoo! Most times, I just want to have a pity party (!) I've wanted chickens for soooo long..... thanks for letting me share, I've been reading a lot on here (ty to all of u)
Siteseeing Chick I would be very upset with the man that sold you those chicks. He not only sold you sick chicks the disease is now in the ground at your place. He should be shut down. Very sorry this happened to you.
That is a very interesting artical really good to know about bleach, Oxine is deffently the way to go. I have always been told the Mareks vaccine could not be given to an adult bird, good to know it can and still will help even if the bird has already picked up the virus. I have even had a vet tell me it has to be done as chicks right away. Since this is a live virus in the vaccine does that mean when you get your chicks vaccinated they will shed the disease and give it to other birds? I really want to be clear on that. I wouldn't want to buy vaccinated chicks and bring them home when I don't have Mareks here. Thanks for sharing the artical, I'm going to have to do more research on vaccines. I am all for them but I don't want any given to my chickens that makes them carriers.
Reading what happens to the poor chicken is heartbreaking Maricks truely is a horrible disease.

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