St. John's Wort

I will try and answer those questions...

Once Marek's is on your property, the only safe way to bring in chickens is for them to be vaccinated either as day old chicks or hatched by you and vaccinated at day 1. After that, they should be isolated for 2 weeks and for the best protection, it is safer to keep them isolated for 6 - 12 weeks. Isolation is reverse quarantine procedures. You must take care of the babies first thing...showering, changing clothes, shoes, coat etc keeping those things just for baby care duties.

Marek's vaccine is made up of a turkey marek's. It can not be shed and cause chicken Marek's. It is safe to use on birds of all ages. It can even be used on birds that are showing symptoms. Right now, I just revaccinated everyone and will continue to revaccinate yearly. Some European countries follow this protocol so I've decided to adopt it also. As for not vaccinating, at that point, you would be dooming them to certain death. Even though the vaccine isn't 100% effective, it is the only thing that we have available to us to help fight this horrible disease. If you don't plan on vaccinating, I wouldn't bring in anymore chickens.

Marek's can live in soil for up to 7 years. Any birds that survive will be carriers for life...that being said, there is some evidence that suggests that chicks hatched from birds that survive have immunity from their parents.
Suzierd, thank you. I am upset....Leadwolf, in vaccinating the birds that aren't showing symptoms, are they not coming down with it?... I read that the vaccine won't stop them from getting the virus, just the tumors. - so if thats the case, I guess it would be impossible to know, BUT are you having luck with that approach? I notice you were recently talking about a sick bird (I'm also curious if you upped the dosage and had any luck) - but is that a bird that you vaccinated?
First, I just started that approach as, I have only had chickens for a year. I just administered the booster dosage two nights ago. Now, it will be yearly.

As for the bird I was talking about. Ms Speeider Bird was vaccinated as a day old chick from Ideal Poultry. However, at the time I did not know that I had Marek's in my flock. They were all still babies. She did not have the suggested isolation period. I lost many vaccinated birds from my original flock. But, the subsequent birds that I purchased I have had great success with. With the batch of chicks that I had when I first got the diagnosis I have lost 1 of the vaccinated birds. With the batch I hatched and vaccinated, 19 in all, I have lost 1 bird. Remember, the vaccine is only 90% effective. I had a batch of silkies that were exposed to Marek's before vaccination and I've lost 4 of those out of 6. So, you can see that the vaccine is providing immunity. Hatcheries used it to all but irradicate the disease from their operations. It is the only thing that we have to fight with.

I did up the dosage on the bird. She is rallying for the umpteenth time. Remember, Marek's can go into remission and return. She has been like this since last October. I keep hoping that something will cure her. She is not in any pain or distress. She stays in the kitchen with my family and joins in the conversation. Some would say that it isn't fair to keep her alive since she doesn't have the life a normal chicken would. I disagree...when/if she asks me to go, I will do the humane thing. Until then, I am learning tons of valuable information about Marek's by watching her daily.

I can't tell you what to do..but, with my heart I can tell you that you do not want to bring unprotected birds onto your property..It is a death sentence and not fair to the bird or to you. I have watched 30+ birds die, they have all had names and have been loved by my family. They are all raised in my kitchen. My kids made jungle gyms for them and love them like the pets that they are. We mourn them when they die and pray for their happiness in heaven with the huge family that I have sent before them.

As for vaccinating birds that aren't showing symptoms...there is some research and evidence that suggests that it will boost their immune system to fight the disease. Not all birds will die. I've read that you could lose 80% of your unprotected flock...I've lived this :( They even suggest vaccinating symptomatic birds for the same reason.
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One of my chicks (2mo.) is turning his head toward the sky, but, otherwise seems okay. Could this be mareks? He eats and is not paralyzed.
I will try and answer those questions...

Once Marek's is on your property, the only safe way to bring in chickens is for them to be vaccinated either as day old chicks or hatched by you and vaccinated at day 1.  After that, they should be isolated for 2 weeks and for the best protection, it is safer to keep them isolated for 6 - 12 weeks.  Isolation is reverse quarantine procedures.  You must take care of the babies first thing...showering, changing clothes, shoes, coat etc keeping those things just for baby care duties.

Marek's vaccine is made up of a turkey marek's.  It can not be shed and cause chicken Marek's.  It is safe to use on birds of all ages.  It can even be used on birds that are showing symptoms.  Right now, I just revaccinated everyone and will continue to revaccinate yearly.  Some European countries follow this protocol so I've decided to adopt it also.  As for not vaccinating, at that point, you would be dooming them to certain death.  Even though the vaccine isn't 100% effective, it is the only thing that we have available to us to help fight this horrible disease.  If you don't plan on vaccinating, I wouldn't bring in anymore chickens. 

Marek's can live in soil for up to 7 years.  Any birds that survive will be carriers for life...that being said, there is some evidence that suggests that chicks hatched from birds that survive have immunity from their parents. 

Just want to thank you for all this info. I really don't see why anyone wouldn't vaccinate as you never know when something like this will hit you.
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The last few years, I have been presented with sooo much info on vaccines (for humans), that now, I avoid them like the plague. I put on my blinders to all of the vaccine propaganda and go about my business.... Do any of you guys ever read He has a lot of info on vaccines, and I'm talking information, not an emotion-driven commercial/ad campaign at the Walgreens et al, by big pharma. Seriously, I am not being disrespectful to vaccinators or anyone's pharmacist I have just read too many solid scientific explanations against vaccines.- For real, it's not easy to find at first, but the info about these things is out there.... So, that's why I am having a hard time accepting the vacs.....

The thought of giving them a vac tomorrow and them having a chance at surviving is verrrry tempting, though they would still be 'carriers' - just without the tumors and that really bothers me. I think what is so mind blowing about this is, it is a cancer that is contagious (!).......

Found this study, it's interesting about birds that are able to fight off the Marek's

Lil update, still putting CS in the water but my lil 'Shadow' - smart, sweet Roo (among many) wasn't making much effort today.....does anyone have experience syringe feeding?! I'd like to give him the liquid CS but am afraid I will drown him!!
Have been reading about lesions and mareks disease-What do they look like? are they visible on the skin of the chicken? Have seen picture of pox are they like that or different? looking for authoritative help and maybe pocs.
Thank you all for your caring posts, questions, answers, and just for loving your birds.
do need help and pics
may you and your birds be well and delighted with the day.
Check out the link in the post above yours...if I recall correctly, the lesions are in there. There are skin, organ and nerve lesions that relate to Marek's.
Hiya LW, wasn't sure if what you said about Marek's poo is on this thread? Also, this is really gross but do you have pics or can you describe the smell? (sorry!!) -

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