St. John's Wort

Sorry to take so long in getting back to you about the poop issue. I have taken all weekend to try and figure out the best way to describe it and the only thing that I can come up with is it smells like 'death'. Not the decaying smell of death. It is so very hard to describe. All I can say is, I could tell if your chicken had Marek's just by its smell. I wish I could better describe it but it is almost indescribable.
I've had 7 hens die in the last 4 months and I now believe it is Mareks. I'm going to try this treatmnent for the next bird that gets sick and see how it works. THANK YOU!
No, no, after asking, I realized how difficult it can be to describe poo smells! Ty. I can't say that I have noticed that unusually bad of a smell.....
fyi: for those who don't know, this is also called st john's wort, which is much easier to find. there are herbal capsules that you can open and dump out. found at trader joes, whole foods, maybe even walmart
Thank you for this great information. I think our 13 week old Sexlink has it. We have isolated her, but not taken her out of the chicken house. Can it be transmitted by air or do the chickens have to have contact w/ one another? My other question is we purchased our pullets from a farm that vaccinated the hens, not the chicks, can they still get the disease?
from what I've read even vaccinated chicks can get the disease. It is airborne and highly contagious. I suspected possible mareks in one of my hens, I quarrantined her from others. And just brought her back to the flock, since I don't think she has mareks, just a leg problem since she's too fat.

Could you please explain how you made the sling for your chicken with the Marek's ? I have a six month old with it and I was thinking along the same line of making some kind of sling but have no idea as to how to do it. I am a newbie (only been raising chickens for 6 months) so I am still learning the ropes. Do you have a photo of your bird in the sling? I really would appreciate any info on this. Thanks

doxielover at [email protected]

I too would like to know how you made a sling for your chicken.

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