St. John's Wort

Thanks for the Advice. We are currently going to go on a Hunt for Human Health food stores in our area to pick up some Hypericum. We have 2 chickens with paralyzed legs due to Marek's. I hope i can bring them back around. they are 2 very nice delaware cockerels.
TommyDaDelaware - did the hypericum work? I have a 7 month old roo who started limping last weekend. I had a vet look at him and he did bloodwork (on him and my 3 girls), waiting for it to come back to see if it is Marek's. In the meantime I'm giving him anti-inflammatory shots. He is an awesome roo and wants to be where his girls go. He seems to be getting a little better but still limping. The vet thinks he has nerve damage because he flipped his foot under and he didn't try to move it back to normal. But today we watched him come out from under my husband's trailer which is about a foot off the ground. We thought that would be awful hard to crawl under using one foot. My dear husband is being very positive.
TommyDaDelaware - did the hypericum work? I have a 7 month old roo who started limping last weekend. I had a vet look at him and he did bloodwork (on him and my 3 girls), waiting for it to come back to see if it is Marek's. In the meantime I'm giving him anti-inflammatory shots. He is an awesome roo and wants to be where his girls go. He seems to be getting a little better but still limping. The vet thinks he has nerve damage because he flipped his foot under and he didn't try to move it back to normal. But today we watched him come out from under my husband's trailer which is about a foot off the ground. We thought that would be awful hard to crawl under using one foot. My dear husband is being very positive.
Slowly, It seems like they are getting around better since we started it!
It's has been 4 weeks and I have started loosing chickens again. Went to gather eggs and there was a dead pullet in the nest box. She looked like she just went to sleep and died. I have been watching them closely looking for more Mareks signs and she wasn't showing any the day before. I immediately mixed up a half dosage of antibiotic and put it out for the remainder of the chickens. I stayed and watched to make sure all of them took a drink. The next morning I notice a pullet is slower than the others and hanging out in the coop. She isn't limping just slow and lathargic. After about an hour she pooped and it was the bright green associated with Mareks. Off we go to the house. I immediatedly start treating her with St. John's Wort. She was alert and feeding herself just wouldn't stand up and had a crusty nose. Every time I checked on her it seemed that she was just slowly slipping away. Last night I went to give her another dose of St. John's and she couldn't swollow it and died. I am trying to figure out what is or was diffrent this time.

OK. I thought since the Mareks was coming from the ground/dirt that the run needed more bedding. We mowed the lawn 2 weeks ago. Since we don't put chemicals on it I though that would make good bedding. We do have an arobic septic system but I just got the grass clippings that I thought were not contaminated by it. I put a good 4 inches down all over the run. and added some to the nest boxes. The chickens were loving it. Then 2 weeks later the first dead one. Also, I use a rain barrell to collect rain and store water for the chickens. It is attached to an automatic watering system which deposits water in to a 1 ft diamater container. (I am also going to attach some chicken nipples to this system.) I clean this container out between 1 and 2 times a week. The chickens like to stand in it when they get hot. Which means the dirt from the run gets in and then they drink that. Plus, with them getting in and out there seems to be a puddle that isn't drying up that much which keeps the grass and dirt wet. I have black and white Jersey Giants. The only chickens I am loosing are white. All of them that have died are pullets. I was able to heal the white roo that got sick.

I read the blog from urbanfarmerkc about his chicks dieing of Mareks. He put a new layer of pine shavings on top of the old bedding and gave his chicks echinacea. I am going to go out and rake up all the resently added grass in the run and even get it out of the nesting boxes. Then I am going to put down pine shavings in the run and hay in the nest boxes. I have already stated putting the echnacea in a seperate watering container.

I am down to 7 hens, 2 are black and 4 roosters, 2 are black. I started with 21 chicks. Lost 5 the first 2 days. Didn't loose any more until I let them loose in the run. I want to get more pullets but of course need to wait on this Marsek to go run it's course. Then the question is will they get the Marsek. After all I know it's in the ground.

I am new at this and desperately need help. Any ideas?

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