Standard Brahma Project Auction~~Lavender Partridge Hatching Eggs~~BID IS AT 30.00~~AUCTION ENDS 1-1

I really don't like this format. If they had a clock for reference that we all could see then it would be more fair. According to my cell phone when was what I was using to bid with I bid at 8:30pm.
I agree...there needs to be some standard! I put my last bid in and refreshed until my laptop clock said 7:31...then went away expecting that it was over...a clock on here might help...otherwise what's the point of putting an end time if people can keep bidding??????????

I really don't like this format. If they had a clock for reference that we all could see then it would be more fair. According to my cell phone when was what I was using to bid with I bid at 8:30pm.

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