Standard Bronze Turkeys Setting on eggs.

I will take some pictures. I am a little behind on how to put them on internet. (born 9 months before WW2) My grandma raised layers and my uncle raised fryers 90000 at a time I was not even in school yet wnen I learned to care for chickens in Arkansas.
Are you using a phone/iPad, or computer to come to BYC?

If by phone, that's easier, as you'd take your pictures, then hit the Attach files at the bottom of your post/reply, then go to your pictures folder.

I am by computer and used to take pictures with my phone, then plug my phone into my computer and download them into a folder. In the past few months, I learned (on BYC) how to use iCloud, so that's way easier and better quality.
I have 4 turkeys setting on the same nest. I can see a gang of eggs under them.
I am wondering when they hatch who will be the mom and raise them? maybe they will draw straws?
I have been raising Turkeys, chickens, ducks, pheasants for 65 years and have never seen this before.
there are plenty of nesting, but they all want this one.
wild turkey hens sometimes share parenting babies, and two hens can be seen taking care of a mixed clutch of poults.

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