Standard silkies?

Silkies were orginally breed to be a standard size bird. They were breed smaller, and its the smaller variety that was brought to the US. When you see larger ones it is because someone was experimenting trying to create a standard size bird. I look in EU sites, the standard there for both bantams and standard size calls for a much smaller crest than tend to wins shows here, other than that we seem to agree on specifications.
I've decided that if I ever get a silkie, it will need to be standard size.

Would love to see some pics of some BIG silkies.
I have a blue rooster that is a monster. That is a regular sized modena pigeon by him and a splash silkie hen behind him.




What would be the best breed to cross with a silkie if one wanted to work on a standard silkie? Someone mentioned cochins and they and brahmas were the ones who jumped to mind since they are Chinese breeds and seem to have some things in common with silkies. What about langshans? They are said to have greyish or darker skin which makes me wonder if silkie is in there somewhere.

Those of you who know poultry genetics, which breed would be best to use so it would be easiest to get back to silkie type?
My silkies are quite large and are nothing close to Bantam size
I did not get them to show and am actually quite pleased at how huge they are! I bought the group as 8 week old babies for breeders and brooders~LOL

Here are a few of them. I actually sold my black roo last night. He was about 2" shorter than my BIG Penedesenca roos.


The original silkies from asia are standard sized, my silkies are standard sized, and I live in indonesia, the difference between standard-sized silkies and silkie bantams are their size and posture, but I prefer the bantam one than what we got here in asia :D. The american silkies are somehow fluffier and have a pretty sexy posture, the asian standard silkies are bigger and have a "regular chicken" posture, and other colors than white are rare here! I'd love to have the american silkie bantam :D
Yes. I agree that the standards stand and walk a lot like a regular chicken. I seem to remember that the standard Silkies my uncle had were as tall as the white leghorns we had. Their crests weren't all that striking and they had no beard. His were all pure white. When I started looking for Silkies 10 years later, all I could find were bantams. I have never found standard Silkies for sale. 40 years of looking in CA.

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