Staph Infection in Drake's Hock


11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
New Hampshire
I have a 2 yr old Runner drake that got his leg caught between a wall and the water bucket.
Appeared to be sprained and then presented with the symptoms of staph. Their was a small scratch on the joint.
Otherwise healthy bird with no apparent fractures.
Our local vet is prevented from caring for fowl because of a bio-security contract with a local poultry breeder.
We did treat for 5 days with .2cc Baytril 2.27 injection and then increased to .6cc as another website for fowl indicated.

Has anyone else treated staph like this and if so what was the antibiotic and dose?

Please advise. My vet is willing to help but is not all that familiar with treating staph for a duck.
I had my dark brahma roo get his hocks chewed by my horse when he got in her pen (welded wire) and couldn't find his way out. Poor guy just tucked his head in the corner behind the water barrel and waited it out. He was pretty beat up when I found him. Two days later he stank from three feet away and could not walk. Vet supply suggested Vetericyn spray, nothing more. It was $35 for a bottle, and I only sprayed it on once a day for a few days and he is FINE now!! I would never believe it if I hadn't seen it. His open sores were bright yellow, draining pus and he couldn't walk and he reeked. I did not wash the bird or trim the feathers. They were all caked up with stuff, but the gal there said just soak it good with this stuff a couple times a day. I could only do one time a day and it worked like magic. hope that helps.

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