Star the big and bold rooster


Nov 19, 2019
Hello, anyone who sees this at all, I am in very VERY desperate rehoming needs for my rooster right now. My rooster Star is an ameraucana and was hand raised with lots of love but as of late has been attacking my family, especially my mom who feels she can't leave the house because he is very protective in general. We have considered putting him down because no matter how hard we try he stays aggressive (not to me but my family). We really don't want to go through that so I have taken to these forms and I'm wondering if anyone would take him and give him a better home. It would be very helpful if you lived in either Vermont of Massachusetts where we could take him to you. IMG-1185.JPG
and also some last questions before we seal the deal:
what kind of accommodations do you have for your chickens?
how many chickens do you have?
and lastly how many roosters do you have?
i have 5 hens and 3 roosters so 8 in total
they free range on 20 acres during the summer and during the winter they have a coop and run so i can keep them warm
i honestly think he is being aggresive because he is only 6 months old my rooster charlie was like that until i spent alot of hands on time with him
it also helps to have an older rooster to be with him to teach him the ropes i have a really good lead rooster he is 6 years old and very patient hes an americauna named lucky i also dont mind staying in touch to keep you posted on how hes doing

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