Started March 1


7 Years
Mar 6, 2014
It took me awhile to find the time to upload the pics and get everything on here but I have my "hatch along" thread now...

The process began by browsing the web (mostly this site) for info to hatch eggs.... This is going to be our first hatch,our first chicks, hopefully our fist chickens... I didn't want to just go buy someone else's chickens I wanted to experience the full process...succeed or fail at least I have the experience...

I learned about incubating and incubators first...I started gathering parts from my garage,basement, outbuilding etc etc etc... I managed to get 100% of the parts for the incubator completely free... I did however purchase a couple of different thermometers that I plan to use around the house later so no big loss there...

I used a freebie Styrofoam cooler and cut a window hole out and used a glass from a picture frame... I used a light and a water heater thermostat to create the heat, a computer fan, and some reflective 3m tape. I placed a jar and sponge at the bottom and used a hose to go to the top...I wanted to make sure I didn't have to open the incubator no more than necessary.

I ordered a dozen fertilized eggs from the internet and they arrived on Feb 26th... I kept them in my cool but not too cool basement until Saturday March 1st...

I put them in a tupperware egg holder that I chopped up and drilled out. I attached them to a wooden dowel and put a handle outside the bator so I could turn the eggs without opening the bator...

I made a calendar to remind me of the whole process and what should be happening during the incubation period... I made some check boxes to make sure they got turned at least 3 times a day but after awhile I realized it wasn't necessary because we all got involved and turned them usually more than the 3 times but the calendar still helps us stay on track especially here near the end of the process...

I have had success keeping the temps within 4 or 5 degrees + - 100 and the humidity level at 55-70 as research suggested...I installed a couple of different thermometers and humidity gauges to keep up with it all...

So far So good... I am supposed to stop turning the eggs tomorrow and lay them on the tray... I plan on lining the tray in cheesecloth to give them some bedding (if they hatch) ... and increase the humidity to 80+ %

I had a couple of close calls with some ice storms and a blizzard since I started the incubation... Thankfully we didn't lose power but I was prepard for that just in case... as you can see I spent my early years as a boy scout (always prepared)

I know this may be overboard but we are really hoping for success... I did candle a couple during the process and seemed to see what I was supposed to see... Tomorrow when I take them off of the holder I will check them again and remove the ones that I don't see anything in... I will keep everyone posted over the next few days... Wish us luck...
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I've got a home ready just in case they hatch... This is my little brooder I made out of wire and pallet wood... all freebie stuff...well...I'm spending a little money now... mason jar holders, lamp and pine chips...I have 10-15 bucks invested so far...I'm thinking fresh eggs will be worth that ... LOL ...

The Eggs are a mixed lot but the Hens are Black sex links, Barred Rocks, Silver Lace Wyandottes, & Buff Orpingtons and even some Americanas... Not sure what I'll have but we'll just wait and see...I ordered that mixed lot because I read good reviews about all those breeds...
I made a cheesecloth mat for them to hatch on

I laid them on the mat... added some more water ... now just hurry up and wait

2 Chicks so far...I've got a couple picking away .... I'm still a couple hours away from 21 days... the eggs came up to temp about noon 3 saturdays ago.... 2 chicks just couldn't wait...

Congratulations on those two chicks! Any more pips?

I love you incubator, very creative. :)

I have chicks on day 18 right now in my homemade incubator, so only a couple days behind your eggs.
ended up with 6 total... theres a 7th one chipping and chirping ... its 24 hrs late ... not sure what to do at this point ... help or no help??? that is the question....
Has the little one made any progress so far?

Here is a good link on assisted hatching:

Edited to add:
21 days is just an estimate. Many times some chicks can be a day or two late or early.
If your chick has pipped and hasn't made any progress for well over 24hrs and appears distressed, then you can think about helping them.
That link I supplied goes more in detail on the matter.

Good Luck!
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It finally came out.... 22 days for that one... I have 3 more in the bator that I candled and they all 3 appear dark... I'll let them stay another day or so and we'll see... I did get 7 out of the dozen... trashed 2 that were transparent when I candled them.... 7 chicks seem healthy even the little late bloomer...


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