Starter vs layer feed @ 10 weeks?


Apr 6, 2016
I've got 5 ten week old pullets and I just ran out of the starter feed. Question is, should I hurry up and order more starter, or can they share this layer feed at 10 weeks since they forage, even if they aren't laying yet?

My flock free ranges most of the day in the yard, get lots of fresh veg and good kitchen scraps, and has access to a nice deep compost bin teeming with red worms.

Here's the nutrient break down for the Starter, vs the Layer.

Starter feed:

Layer feed:
I have never heard of "pullet developer". Can you explain what is, and why they would need it?

Neither have I. I wouldn't switch to layer until they actually start laying. The layer has extra calcium. If they are still growing when they start laying, and most pullets are, you can keep them on grower or all flock for a bit and just add a bowl of calcium they can eat free choice.
I feed both layer and grower appropriately, but sometimes birds go in each others' coops and sample what is in the feeders there.. On such a basis it doesn't seem to hurt.
I didn't start giving mine layer until about 1/2 of them were were laying; the first birds started laying around 16 weeks. If I remember correctly for week 16-18 I continued to give the starter-grower and free choice oyster shell. At around 19 weeks I was getting about a dozen eggs with 25 chickens so I switched to layer but mixed it 50/50 with the starter-grower. After the starter-grower ran out at around 21 weeks I gave them straight layer feed. Didn't have any problems.
it's best to give grower feed after 8 weeks until laying age.. if grower feed is not available in your area.. then it's fine to continue with the starter feed

since the calcium in the layer feed can damage your chickens' kidneys...especially when they are not at laying age yet

so use grower or starter feeds until laying age

for my situation

i thought a 30lb bag of starter feed would last 4 months.. but :/ . had to buy another one

i picked up the layer feed from a local buyer's club a few days ago.. but my chickens are not ready for this feed yet..

IFA has some very good article's on what to feed you chickens at different ages pullet developer has what they need ate that age to grow right
I feed Flock Raiser to everyone, with oyster shell in a separate container for the laying hens.
You should buy more chick starter, or an all-flock feed, and not feed layer until all your pullets are producing eggs. Or, just feed an all-flock feed forever.

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