Starting a chicken rescue

2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum but I live in a farming community in WA State and here we have a pet rescue. Three years ago the pet rescue facility in town burned down and since then the animals have been living in foster homes and in kennels by a cement building a ways out of town. The pet rescue isnt gov. funded so they rely on donations. Now after three years they finally raised enough money to build an amazing facility out of town and it has quite a bit of land around it. The only animals that they take are horses and cats and dogs. Out here chickens are nothing. They are a dime a dozen and get treated very badly. Im very into chickens I love them so much.
I pride myself in my facilities for them. I have 3 well built chicken houses so I don't have to put all of my chickens together. I treat them very well. I go to big chicken shows in Vancouver and all kinds of other places in WA. And around here in Othello no one else does these things there chickens get horrible cases of frostbite and they get killed by preditors they dont get fed because ppl wont buy feed they get horrible diseases and get no treatment for it. They are considered a dime a dozen around here.
Ppl think that im crazy because I pride myself in my chickens well being!!
At the fair we have here we get the most raty lookin poor birds youve ever seen!
So now that you know what its like around here heres what I want to do. I want to try and convince pet rescue now that they have their new facility to take chickens and other poultry. Im gettin quotes and different things from local building makers to see how much it would cost Im thinking that I will need four different pins for each type of bird only four because I dont want It to seem donting to the managers. One pin for quarantine and one for younger birds, one for hens and one for roosters,( the same for turkeys geese etc.) Do you guys have any other ideas that will help me convince them? Anything else you think that I will need? Our community supports pet rescue well so gettin the money shouldnt be too difficult. Any ideas at all will be extremly helpful!
The birds here need a voice! We dont even have a police department that will go out and investigate cruelty to animals! People out here get away with all kind s of cruelty! So I need some help from People who have ideas. Thanks so much!Do you think it will work? Please comment and respond!
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Only thing I would like to mention is that chickens are good at getting sick. Mixing all these different birds will definitely encourage them to get sick. Seems to me like you would have to really set up some very strict quarantine plans for this to even remotely work. All these different chickens will be immune to different things and if one bird isn't immune it will most likely get it from the immune one. Just something to consider.
Only thing I would like to mention is that chickens are good at getting sick. Mixing all these different birds will definitely encourage them to get sick. Seems to me like you would have to really set up some very strict quarantine plans for this to even remotely work. All these different chickens will be immune to different things and if one bird isn't immune it will most likely get it from the immune one. Just something to consider.

^^^ Agree. Biosecurity will be critical. You are going to need a way to separate individual birds, or groups of birds, from the rest of the flocks by some significant distance to reduce the chance of introducing pathogens into your environment. and hold them there, for a period of weeks.

Each new location you get birds from will need its own quarantine.

Its just not practical, nor is it always effective, to think youcan bring in poorly treated or abandoned birds and think to vaccinate them or something on arrival. Not only are some of the vaccines not effective that way, but some of the birds maynot be in sufficient health for it.

Expect to go thru a lot of CORID and de-wormer.

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