Starting a flock

It's hard to integrate new chickens into an existing flock, and you have to deal with quarantine issues. I'd recommend that you start with what you really want to have. Guinea hens are reputed to be the BEST at eating ticks, though chickens also have a rep for cleaning up the nasties. I wish you the best of luck. And know that you're headed for a lot of fun. Chickens are addicting.
I'd be reluctant to start with adults or pullets due to the risk of introducing disease. If you can wait for 5 months before you start getting eggs, start with chicks as you'll learn so much about raising them. You'll also enjoy watching them develop physically and personality-wise.
Total newbie question: is it best to start a flock with babies or to get a few docile adult hens to show the chicks the ropes? I've been hesitant about getting adults because a friend had her flock wiped out after getting several rescue chickens. Thanks!
If the adult hens are in lay and will come to you when you call them then i would get them but if you get chicks you wil get used to them and they will get used to you and hopefully there will not be an pecking order

hope this helps ;)
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