Starting a white line


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
I have never been a fan of white chickens...that is until I got one. Last summer I hatched out a random white cockerel from a BBRed hen and a ER/e+ cockbird. Both parents just happen to carry a recessive white gene which I was not aware of. I kept the white cockerel, who turned out to be stellar as far as size and type, so I bred him back to his mother this year and have hatched out 75% white chicks and 25% golden duckwing. Most of the white chicks from this pair have willow legs (the breeding cock has yellow legs). The breeding cock also shows some brassiness in a pattern consistent with a duckwing pattern.

So now that I like white birds I want to make a "correct" white bird, something I can show. Am I correct is assuming I need to add dominant white to these recessive white birds to achieve this? I am looking to correct the leg color to yellow and eliminate brassiness. In a few weeks I am meeting with a breeder from Ohio and we are going to trade birds. She has a dominant white pullet I'll be trading for a mottled pair. If this is not the path I need to take for a correct, showable white bird please guide me in the right direction. Thanks!

**If it matters, I have sold the original white cockbird and retaining three of his sons for grow outs (two with yellow legs, one with willow legs).
With recessive White there is no brassiness. The fact That You do and That 75% of the cicks came out White indicates that You are dealing with dominant white. Pics of the sire Will help
With recessive White there is no brassiness. The fact That You do and That 75% of the cicks came out White indicates that You are dealing with dominant white. Pics of the sire Will help
This is the cockbird:

Him as a chick. He had light grey down:

These are his parents:

Recessive White does not allow any color thru, what you are perhaps dealing with is a recessive white allelic mutation(one of the many there are), could be Opal(c^Op) or a new allelic mutation(known mutations are, C+, c, c^Op, c^re, c^a)

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