Starting juniors in coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
My Coop
My Coop

I have ten juniors in a pen with a mini coop behind my large coop that holds 7 adults. three roosters and 4 hens. Yes, i need to see if someone wants a polish rooster and decrease the amount of roosters i have. Anyway, I closed the big door to the large coop today, and opened the chicken door in the back so that the 10 juniors will go into the coop. I know i hate to keep the adults out of the coop but they free range all day. I am trying to get the juniors used to the coop so when i let them out they will know where to go back in at. Just wondering if I should leave both doors open and let nature happen. Hard to keep the adults out yet scared the roosters will hurt the juniors. They may go into the back area and trap the juniors. Does this all make sense lol. They have only peeked in the coop so far. I covered the small coop to keep the sun out during the day. they are getting too big for it and almost the size the the adult chickens. They are 9 weeks old.
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make sure they have space to hide
i think
1 you should keep them in the main coop from after noon to evening and let them roost in it(IF THEY WANT)
2 introduce them slowly and in a big place with some places to hide so that they are not harmed (IN YOUR PRESENCE)
3 if possible introduce them while free ranging before evening so that they return
I would let them roost in it at night but i have to let the adults in before then so they can roost. I may have to open the doors and hope the juniors can hide. I will open both doors tonight. I just hate that they are not use to the big coop so if they get scared and run out of the coop, and don't know how to get back in.

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