Starting to use FF


7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
So today marks day one of feeding FF to the crew. The 10 EEers jumped right in no issues. However, the year old BOs and NHRs just look at it like WTH. It will be interesting to see how they take to it.

As far as new stuff goes, the BOs and NHRs love shrimp tails and run up to yank them from your hand. When I gave the EEers some tails, they freaked and ran away from them.

This will be an interesting experiment .
I've been doing fermented for over a year, some days they don't eat half of what I give them and other days it's all gone when I get home from work. If any is left, I bring it inside and add to it the next morning. They always have dry available as well.
Well, the big birds are eating it like normal feed. The younger birds are eating 2x as much as dry feed and mob me at the door to the hoop coop every morning.


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