Starving hen


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
Western Massachusetts
My Golden Lace Wyandotte hen started laying a month ago. For the last two weeks she acts like I am starving her. She follows me around the coop and run looking for food. She feels ok, maybe a little lite.
Addicted to treats?(there is always fermented feed and pellets available).
Mine always act like I am starving them-which i'm not. They follow me around like I am the pied piper.... They know who has their food.
Yes, she eats a lot. When I put the FF down she is the first one there and eats all the black sunflower seeds before anyone can get them. If I am feeding treats by hand, she pushes others to get the food. She is always searching for something to eat. Their food bowl is always filled with pellets but I don't see her eating out of it very often.
Right now she is the only hen laying eggs. I have seven other hens. We are in Massachusetts where the winter has been warmer than normal.
How long has she been acting like this? If her droppings are foamy looking or diarrhea she might have roundworms. More symptoms are loosing a lot of weight or having a paler comb and wattles
Hopefully, and most likely, its just that she prefers treats to pellets.

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