Stay At Home Mom Blues...

Take some eggs over. Bake some bread, and take a loaf over.

You can always escape with "oh, time to go feed the chickens" or "oh, gotta go take the other loaves out of the oven!"
There are a few ladies on the street that are moms. Im a lot younger than them all so I feel like its not really my place to go up and talk to them. I feel like they would be like 'What does that little girl want? Me to hang out with her?'

Ive wanted to talk to the lady that moved in infront of us. She always makes it a point for me to see her waving. Her husband is a cop. The house next door has a woman in her mid 30s to mid 40s but they are renters and Im starting to think they are on drugs and about to move out anyways. The other lady has a boy about 14 or so. Her husband always makes it a point to wave at me. Whenever I see him around town hes always flashing his brights at me or waving really big. I always wave back but it kinda gives me the willies.
Im just scared people are going to start coming over here and wanting me to talk to them forever

Is that weird?
Maybe I just need to break out of this antisocial circle Im in.

i bet your dining room will be beautiful! you should post pictures when you are done!
There are a few ladies on the street that are moms. Im a lot younger than them all so I feel like its not really my place to go up and talk to them. I feel like they would be like 'What does that little girl want? Me to hang out with her?'

Don't worry about the age difference so much. Once you're in your 20's little things like age are irrelevant. What's important is what you have in common. Since you are neighbors, and mothers, it looks like you already have something in common! And it sounds like they would like to get to know you better, and be friends. Some of my best friends are substantially older than me, some younger. I think the only time we have all of our friends the same age is when we are in class at school.
Don't worry about the age difference so much. Once you're in your 20's little things like age are irrelevant. What's important is what you have in common. Since you are neighbors, and mothers, it looks like you already have something in common! And it sounds like they would like to get to know you better, and be friends. Some of my best friends are substantially older than me, some younger. I think the only time we have all of our friends the same age is when we are in class at school.

Ditto! I have friends who are half my age and some who are twice my age! All wonderful resources of information and advice; especially the ones who have already raised kids!

I like the idea of hosting some kind of party, maybe hold a canning party or a cookie swap? That way people do not feel obligated to purchase anything and you can all hang out....

I remember being in the same spot you are..... so our phone bill was astronomical since I never had any adults to talk to!
ladies ladies ladies, dont you know men need to be trained. And they forget, so you need to retrain them at times. It takes years of training. the main thing during training to remember is:

"never take anything personal"!!!!!
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oh I love red!

When I'm talking with someone and I need to go, I just say so. and don't worry about the age thing, if some lady does not want to be friends with someone younger who wants a friend like that anyway.

Way to go with SO, you are getting it off your chest and helping him understand.
Don't forget guys need praise too. I'm always telling my best friend how thank full I am that his is so helpful, and that he is so truethful with me. and he treats me the same.
but yea they do need us to fill in the blanks alot of the time
Whenver my SO is doing the dishes Ill go give him a pat on the back and say "BABY! YOURE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB!!"
Hell reply....

His mother walked behind him with a dust pan when he was growing up...still does.
This is hard to break.

Ive been feeling pretty good these past few days.
Im sitting here with one of my 20 week old roos who insisted on coming inside (so I insisted he wear a diaper..)

A side from painting my dining room (which Im just waiting to dry so I can pull the tape off) Ive been learning to paint skys and clouds. Im still not great but it keeps me busy.

I just fear Im going to fall back into a rut again after a couple weeks..

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