Stay At Home Mom Blues...

Do alot of stuff outside Sara..daylight/sunshine always makes me feel better! Sorry your feeling so bad hun!
The same thing happened to me although I don't recall ever being a "model" stay at home mom. The job wasn't for me. Although I love my kids and my was a thankless job. I needed to feel like I was contributing to society in a positive way. I started crying all the time and sat around eating my heart's content until I went out in the world and found a job that I loved.

You have to get out and take care of yourself. Do fun things with friends, get your hair done and buy yourself a new outfit! I don't care what anyone says...moms come last and that won't change. We need to take a small part of our day just for us. Quiet meditation and prayer. Ask God what He wants you to do and discover His will for your life. And...take vitamin D!
I understand what yall are saying about sun but I dont think that is the problem as I do go outside and I have felt this way for a few months now...

All my friends are crap friends that I have left behind and I feel like I dont have much of anyone to talk to anymore.
My dad is too much of a hard.... and will just tell me to suck it up and quit the pitty party. I would have done that a long time ago if it were that simple!
Is there some activity that you can teach yourself. I find that whenever I learn something new that it tends to revitilize me. It can be something as simple as learning to knit washrags.
I agree, sounds like depression. If you want to go the alternative route (all natural) here are a few links for you to check out.

I would also suggest visiting the web blog cakewrecks; laughter is always the best medicine! The daily commentary will keep you going and the laughter will naturally lift your mood and serotonin levels.
I live near ya i'm looking for some one to start walking with, but i have a dog i would have to bring with me
if u don't mind you are welcome to join me, i just moved here a year ago so i don't know many people

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