Stay At Home Mom Blues...

You show the classic signs of depression. When the things you love no longer bring you joy and the basics of living seem a chore and even those you love can't provide comfort--that is depression.

The good news is that many of the causes can be simple and that there is help. Make an appointment with you doctor and be very honest. It could Vit. D deficiency, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances or any number of other causes. You need a physical to rule out any of those issues.

Please, please take care of yourself and don't put it off. You can't take care of your family until you take care of yourself.

Hugs from someone who has been there and done that.
Depression sucks, but it doesn't have to stick around.
this is what i would do. get some paint, paint that dining room any color you want! its your house too, and if you have to be there most of the time, do it up the way you want it. if he thinks he can just waltz off with his buddies without considering your feelings, you can paint your dining room.

Just want to point out that Sarah does not have insurance..... Without insurance it is hard to get to a doctor.

Hard? Yes. Impossible? No. Look for community health centers, mental health centers, sliding scale clinics, etc...​
Hard? Yes. Impossible? No. Look for community health centers, mental health centers, sliding scale clinics, etc...

It all depends on the area. Around here I wouldn't take my worst enemy to the health department.
When was your last child born? I went through post-partum depression after my first child at the age of 22 and it was bad. So, bad that I felt I wanted to die. I did the same things your saying. It was the hardest time of my life, when it should have been the happiest.

After about 3-4 months, I forced myself one day to clean the house spotless! After I got it done, I felt wonderful. I had accomplished something. You couldn't even see my room from all the clothes on the floor. The kitchen, what kitchen.

If you can't beat this on your own, you will have to some way so how, see a Dr. This type of depression is dangerous, not only to you, but your family.

I do hope that you can find a way.
If you are up front with your doctor right from the start, most will work with you. That is what we do.
When a patient calls and lets me know that they are having financial trouble, we talk and decide on what they can pay. If it is only 5 dollars a month then that will work. Just please pay the 5 dollars a month. We would rather have you healthy then not come in.
Most of our patients are very good and honest. They pay the bill off when they can.
I have been there too. Five bucks a month until I got a different bill paid off then maybe ten...
Just make sure up front. Also many doctors will do their very best to streamline any tests if you explain you don't have the money.
An office visit can get you on your way to help.
Can a family member help out with the cost? A parent, sibling? Church?
Untreated depression can have horrible results. Suicide being the main one I can think of. Depression can be very serious. Sometimes is not just a "get out of the house, go have fun" issue.
Been there done that too.
I have suffered from clinically diagnosed major depression during my life, and it sounds like what you are going through. I'm not saying it IS what you are going through, just that it sounds like it.

One of the things I learned through my therapy is that my sadness and apathy stemmed from the fact I didn't feel like I was in control of my life. I felt like I was stuck in a rut and I didn't know how to get out of it. I didn't feel like "myself" any more. I felt that there wasn't anything to look forward to in my life. I felt like I wasn't helping the world or anyone else - I felt I was worthless. What saved me was connecting with others - getting out and doing something for or even just with someone else - little steps at first - and even when I didn't "feel" like it. Now, when I feel myself falling into these feelings again, I tell myself that someone DOES love and need me (like your kids love and need you), and that I AM IN CONTROL of my life - I DO have the power and the RIGHT to decide to get up and change my situation.

You may not feel like making a change - it may be scary or difficult, but it will be YOUR decision to change - and only you can do it. Don't let others tell you what you should do or hold you down or back. You're a good person and you are capable of making your own decisions. One of the things I found in my situation was that I DID know what needed to change, but I was too chicken to face it and do it. Once I did, I had a new purpose, and even though the change was uncomfortable and hard, I WAS ACTING to better my own life. Tell yourself POSITIVE things about you and don't give in to the "I'm so worthless" thoughts. Listen to upbeat or positive music to help your mind move to a different track - I never had listened to contemporary Christian music before, but I found a local radio station and started - and it is amazing how just doing that helped my attitude. Go walk with GAChknGirl. It's hard to believe, but it is the truth that sometimes Positive Actions can help bring about Positive Feelings. Feelings can change, facts don't. Your feelings are telling you you don't matter - the fact is you DO!!

I'm sorry you're feeling this way - it's terrible, I know. Only you can change it.
I was in the middle of writing you a novel... but I decided you have a lot of good advice already posted here. I was in a funk not long ago, and all I can say is that you have all the power in the world to make things change.
You may not want to do anything about it right now but if you force yourself, or ask someone to force you, things will change. "Force" isn't a good word, but you know what I mean, I hope.
Just try your best to take a good hard look around you... as all the negative thoughts come pouring in... play a game with yourself... see how many of those thoughts you can turn into a positive. (Sounds stupid I know, but it worked for me). A dumb one... "Oh man look at all those dishes I have to do... BUT I am lucky that I have all those nice dishes
" , or "I HATE DOING LAUNDRY and look at that huge pile of it... WOW, I'm lucky we have clothes on our back!!! " My biggest one..."Geez, I have so many problems... But wow! I am SO lucky to have a man who married me and vowed to walk with me through these problems."

Hopefully you get the picture... Good luck. Hang tight. You're beautiful, strong, and smart.
Another thought... I read around this forum when I was down in the dumps, and it didn't take me long to realize how lucky I REALLY am... there are so many people who are dying, or their husbands are leaving them to go to war... I just had to put my life and my problems in perspective, unfortunately by learning that others DO have it harder than I do. (I'm not trying to belittle your feelings) Just realize that we're lucky for every breath we take.
Listen to this... this helped me too

luck and lots of hugs!
I had him in November of 07. Hes coming up on 2 now. I remember being pregnant at this time. I was SO happy. I painted animals on his walls that matched the bedding I washed every onesie, wash cloth, and sock folded it and put it all away.

Anything to do with free healthcare around here stinks. Everyone makes you feel like poop when you call. They are VERY rude people. It sucks to call and deal with people like that. Ive been doing it for the past 2 months for my sons insurance and they give you the run around like no other. Information out of them is almost next to impossible.

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