Sticky eyes

Well i've gone through half the page of the first one, atleast this chick doesn't appear to have any nasal discharge or any difficulty breathing. So I'm assuming for now it's just an infection. I'll just seperate it and keep cleaning the eyes and just hoping it does better. Unfortunately I've noticed that once they go downhill in ANY way..they usually don't make it back up. I've rarely had any luck saving chicks/chickens that show any signs of health problems. But the best I can do is try...I never give up on any until I know it's useless.
Good thing I ordered 20 chicks though.

At the bottom there are some charts they have it all in a list easier to look thru. good luck.
So sorry for your loss.....
Thank you..but I'm ok. I'm a realist when it comes to my chickens..I do the best I can and take preventative action...but when I lose some, I simply put my mind to improving to help the others.
Not to mention I have learned that chickens give up VERY easily..they are at peace with the "afterlife"'s a nice thought that helps a lot :)
Sorry about your loss.
I just wanted to jump in here and tell you that I use honey water on any birds that seem to not be eating right and seem week.
It will give them the energy to get up and hopefully feed and consume enough calories and carbs so that when the honey water wears of they will have enough energy to survive. Though it seems like chicken cocaine then if they don't feed and will die, just as they would have any ways.

Just use a teaspoon per cup of water or so, warm the water so the honey will easily blend in evenly and stay suspended.
Good Luck in the future.
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It died a few hours ago. So fast too..wasnt expecting it. I knew it was weak..but it went so suddenly. Well..I checked everyone else and they seem great.

Sorry your chicken passed xx
If its any comfort I found this site yesterday and joined because one of my girls Sadie had sticky eyes when I let them yesterday - I tried the tea wash on her yesterday she hated me for it and sat in the roost and sulked after yesterday afternoons he was out in the garden mooching round with the others and today her eyes look pretty clear but I've just filled a cloth with tea and let it drip over her eyes - little sod wouldn't let me wipe her eyes - she's running round loudly protesting she has a wet face but her one eye is very clear and the other wasn't glued together as it was yesterday and the swelling round her face has gone down
Hope you can take some comfort that your lose helped another - she's an ex battery I've had her and 3 others now for 3 years so quite attached to them xx

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