Still don't know what's wrong with my hen, video incl


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020

this is Henna (and Stella but she seems fine)

they are 1 year old choc orps
I know they are standing in wet area but their yard is 3000 sq feet and most of it is dry
they like to commandeer my ducks' favorite places

2-3 months ago she started head shaking and they both picking at themselves
I found lice eggs so treated with permethrin dust 3 times at 8 days intervals
and their coop was cleaned and sprayed

1 month ago they were still acting itchy so I did permethrin 'dip'
2 times at 8 days apart
and moved them into a brand new coop!

but they werent using the roost bar (since been remodeled so now they are) and that can be why their tummies got all naked red raw skin and broken feather bits which I thought might be depluming mites so I ordered ivermectin topical but still waiting for it to be delivered to my tsc

In the meantime I was concerned maybe they have worms so I treated with Valbazen drench according to directions and did it twice , their second dose was April 24 and I never found any worms in their poops (I frequently check)

I was also concerned she might have had ear lice or eye worms or something?!? I opened her eyes and looked but dont see any.. looked in her ears they look I posted about that and got advice to fill her ears up with triple antibiotic ointment so I did that and I also gave her colloidal silver drops in her eyes for a few days in a row

I got more advice about the red raw skin flaking skin tummies (both hens have that ) to buy Bannix spray so I did and have been spraying them a couple times a day but they are still red

both hens pick at themselves sometimes as if some kind of bugs are on them
but only Henna does the head shaking thing and in this video she also does weird breathing open mouth thing which I never saw before

Could it be a respiratory infection? I wish I could take her to a vet but its over the budget now. Her face skin has looked a little puffy and pale this whole time and her eyes not look healthy.

I have a little fish erithromycin will that help her? poor baby suffering please help thx
Open the inside Henna's mouth and look closely for small white patches anywhere in her mouth. It could possibly be a yeast infection that may have worked its way in the esophagus on into the crop or thereabouts.
I think this is normal?


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To me, it looks respiratory. Head shaking can be mucous/congestion. That would also make sense with the puffy face.

I would treat for CRD/mycoplasma. If you’re going to use an antibiotic, use Tylan. Erythromycin won’t help.

Another option you might try first, remove her from the coop and put her inside in a crate to rest. I’ve used VetRx for mild respiratory things in the past and they cleared up. You can apply it to the nostrils with a qtip and/or put in her water.
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I have E. M. Erythromycin for fish a box with 9 packets that are 200 mg each I was reading a thread by @casportpony about meds that chickens can take and I think it is good for respiratory illnesses but I don’t know how to give it to her or the dosage thanks in advance I think I tagged casportpony
To me, it looks respiratory. Head shaking can be mucous/congestion. That would also make sense with the puffy face.

I would treat for CRD/mycoplasma. If you’re going to use an antibiotic, use Tylan. Erythromycin won’t help.

Another option you might try first, remove her from the coop and put her inside in a crate to rest. I’ve used VetRx for mild respiratory things in the past and they cleared up. You can apply it to the nostrils with a qtip and/or put in her water.
Thanks I used vetrx on her and Stella several times , when they first came here at 16 weeks old and they had runny nose is and it cleared that up and also after I dusted with permethrin and the symptoms of head shaking first began, but before I read your post here I just ordered online some liquid baytril , I guess I can get Tylan next time . I’ve been trying to research as much as I can about all these different things. It’s a little overwhelming. I’ve had ducks for more than seven years and geese for three., and never had to use all of these treatments and medicines as I do for these two chickens that I’ve only had for 10 months so far. I only have the two hens so I’d hate to separate them, but I can separate them from the ducks for a while . Even though every time I do that, they just keep trying to get back in with the ducks, I guess they love the ducks lol
new question.. the one hen is now on Baytril (2 days done, 3 to go) but my other hen is not on Baytril because she never had any symptoms. But aren't respiratory illnesses contagious?
A word or few of caution.
If it is Mycoplasma and then all your chickens are likely to have it. By the time the keeper has noticed there is a problem it's already spread usually. It's highly infectious.
Antibiotics have a very very low effectiveness when treating Mycoplasma and given the chickens are already sick the total effect of antibiotics (they kill most bacteria, good and bad) which will reduce the overall capability of the imune system could well make the chickens worse rather than better. One is quite likely to find crop problems and digestive disorders after a course of antibiotics.
Chucking any antibiotic one can get hold of in the hope that it will cure an as yet undiagnosed problem is not the way forward.

Given it seems from your first post your hens may have had various problems it may pay dividends to look at the environment in which you keep them.
new question.. the one hen is now on Baytril (2 days done, 3 to go) but my other hen is not on Baytril because she never had any symptoms. But aren't respiratory illnesses contagious?
They are contagious, but sometimes, not all will get sick. Is the hen that's on Baytril getting better? If she's not showing signs of improvement after 3 days of Baytril, you should stop.
They are contagious, but sometimes, not all will get sick. Is the hen that's on Baytril getting better? If she's not showing signs of improvement after 3 days of Baytril, you should stop.
She looks slightly better.. I’ll make an assessment after the 3rd day like you suggest. Thanks

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