Still not laying!! AM I out of luck until next Spring??


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
NW Georgia
I have three big girls (Jersey Giant, Barred Rock and Blue laced Gold Brahma) who I got in April and they are still not laying. My BR and JG have had bright red combs for weeks now and I'm getting nothing. And now that the days are getting shorter, I'm thinking I'm probably out of luck until next Spring, right?

They're 99.9% free-range except for a scoop of feed on days when I need to keep them in their run for a few hours. I provide oyster shell. They have access to 5 acres which have three pecan and one hickory nut tree (which they LOVE thanks to it's location over the driveway). They all seem super healthy. I even kept them penned up for a week to see if they were hiding eggs. Nothing.

I'm completely at a loss. My hubby was only on board with the chickens b/c they would be providing us eggs. He's now deemed them the most expensive pet we've ever had with nothing to show. :/
Hi, some of my girls just started to lay this past week for the first time so I think yours still can
My girls are 21-23 weeks old
The Giant and the Brahma don't surprise me so much that they're not laying, but the Rock does. they're usually little laying machines.

The only thing I can think of is maybe they need more feed, especially now the weather's getting colder. Chickens can easily survive on free range only, but the nutrition they get can't always support the high egg production we demand of them nowadays. Folks who want to free range and not give feed usually notice a trade off in egg production. I know it's how folks used to do things--my Grandma never gave her birds any commercial feed except some corn. She also thought 3-4 eggs a week was a great there ya go. I'd try offering some feed free choice and see if that helps. Then again, by now it may just be late enough you're out of luck until spring.

And just fyi--if you're looking for mainly layers, the Giants and the Brahma aren't the best bets. Both larger breeds, slower to mature, and not known for being stellar layers like the hatchery dual purpose birds.
The Giant and the Brahma don't surprise me so much that they're not laying, but the Rock does. they're usually little laying machines.

The only thing I can think of is maybe they need more feed, especially now the weather's getting colder. Chickens can easily survive on free range only, but the nutrition they get can't always support the high egg production we demand of them nowadays. Folks who want to free range and not give feed usually notice a trade off in egg production. I know it's how folks used to do things--my Grandma never gave her birds any commercial feed except some corn. She also thought 3-4 eggs a week was a great there ya go. I'd try offering some feed free choice and see if that helps. Then again, by now it may just be late enough you're out of luck until spring.

And just fyi--if you're looking for mainly layers, the Giants and the Brahma aren't the best bets. Both larger breeds, slower to mature, and not known for being stellar layers like the hatchery dual purpose birds.
Thank you! I just assumed with all the nut trees, black crickets and other bugs right now they were getting enough protein and vitamins to lay. We are only getting about 12 hours of daylight though (7-7). But hey, I'd take 3-4 eggs a week at this point!! As for my rock, she seems to be on the small side, but is up there in the pecking order.

I purchased an assortment from a local breeder last Spring, so I got all kinds. My only requirements were docile birds and an assortment of eggs. Had 10 that turned out to be five hens and five roosters. My wheaten hen and BCM hen went missing and we just slaughtered 3 roosters, so now I'm down to 5. :( I did order a pullet assortment from Meyer and they're about 6 weeks right now, so I should have PLENTY of layers by Spring.
if you bought your birds from a breeder then there is a GOOD chance that they could be inbred due to wanting to "keep in traits". you should ask the breeder you bought them from... i would say thats why, i mean like they said the brahmas and giants mature slooooowwwwwlllyyy... but im truly surprised about the rocks
Update!!! Well, the time changed last week and I figured that was it. It's getting dark sooner, so no eggs until Spring. And wouldn't you know my little BR started laying three days later and is laying once a day!! Woo-HOOO!!

On a sad note, my Jersey Giant is down for the count. I think she had an egg break inside her. Doubt she's going to make it. :(

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