Still screaming


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2015
I'm sorry for so many posts, I know most of this is second nature to you guys. I'm in unfamiliar territory here and really just want to do my best to not lose another baby.

Scratch, the chick I had who's sibling died, is still screaming his little head off. If anyone gets in his eyesight he goes nuts running around and jumping and he calms down if you pet him or pick him up. If I sit here with my hand in the box, he's good. He snuggles under my hand and that's it. The new chick's been in with him for a couple of hours now, at first I thought they were getting along and it's not like they're fighting or anything but he is not at all calm. What do I do? Get more chicks? Give him some time? Snuggle him forever and call him a lap bird? I'm worried about him, I know they can make a lot of noise but he still just seems super panicked.

I've made a heating pad tent, he doesn't seem the slightest bit interested but the new girl's cuddled up under it pretty peacefully.
I'd probably try putting him under the hut next to the other one and kill all the lighting or cover to darken. He might complain for a bit but should calm soon enough. Maybe after something like an hour you can restore the lighting.

I think this might give him a reset so to speak.
Chickens don't like being alone and even a buddy is not great for complete peace of mind. Three makes the start of a flock and would be the least amount I'd ever keep.

I'm sure the troubled chick will settle in once it's more accustomed to the new comer.
He has imprinted on you, and sees you as his mother. No one would like to be separated even a little bit from their mother at that age.
We tried that actually. Our minds went to an old bird we had years ago, throw a sheet over it's cage and it would quiet down and go to sleep, lol. No such luck here. Well, we only gave it about 20 minutes, but he wouldn't stay in the little tent thing for 30 seconds. I have him sitting in my lap right now because I think my husband's head might explode from all of the noise - He's ready to start looking for a new home for them, I'm not ready to give up yet.

I'm afraid he's going to chirp himself into a heart attack, is that a thing that can happen? He goes NUTS.
He has imprinted on you, and sees you as his mother. No one would like to be separated even a little bit from their mother at that age.

That's what my husband said. You're the mama now, mommy up to him. But I also have about a million chores to do, dinner to finish, and a flesh and blood toddler that's just as needy, lol. Baby-wearing saved my productivity with her, wonder if I could stick him in an apron pocket haha.
The truth is all chicks are very noisy, even more when alone. I just put them in the bathroom and close the door. I even got used to it, and it was just another sound in my life. I'm sorry your husband doesn't understand but you cant give up!
I did that with my babies, just carry them with you that is safe for them and comfortable with you. Just don't forget where you put him or you may squish him.
I've read that some folks try a feather duster. Maybe you could get a little tote bag and carry him w/you? I lean toward leaving him to tough it out. Hard, but it'll work eventually.
I had a chick that Tractor supply gave me, and it was the same scenario. I was mom. However, once I added 4 more chicks in with her, she bonded with them and calmed down. I think allowing your chick to "tough it out" as the other poster suggested, is probably the best solution. Put them in a room and close the door. Quietly check on them every hour or so while you are awake and before you go to bed. He'll be fine after he adjusts. Adding one more chick might not hurt either.

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