Still unsure about what incubator to buy!

Yeah, my thoughts exactly when I read that. Also, I don’t want a styrofoam incubator because I’ve read they are hard to clean. But thanks to this thread I’m now onto the Incuview.
The incuview looks really nice! I'm leaning towards the nurture right however because it is a bit cheaper.
I have one that I got from a yardsale I think.. its a styrofoam one with blower and heater and its digital.. its a Little Giant.. its clear instructions and easy set up is my fave so far... and it has the turner in it.I love it..It stays on temp and you can regulate it by removing little plugs.. plus it was cheap.. like 40 bucks used
And they are not hard to clean.. u use a little bleach water.. swirl it around and rinse is out good.. its not any harder than cleaning a bucket.. the egg turner can easily be dunked in hot soapy or bleach water to clean if you are a clean freak.I wiped mine out.. done.. never any fungus or mold. The more cleaning stuff you introduce to porous things.. the worse you make it. You have to remember.. they been hatching eggs for ages in much worse conditions.
I hardly use it anymore tho as I have learned that broody hens can do a much better job at hatching and showing chicks what to do than we can.

Anyway.. I am a fan of Little giants... either way

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